The Median King (Kawa = Kaykhusraw. 625 BC - 585 BC)
The Median King (Kawa = Kaykhusraw. 625 BC - 585 BC) 1--320
He was the king of Media from the year 625 to the year 585 BC. According to Herodotus, he is considered the third king of Media, succeeding the rule of his father, Phraortes. He is considered one of the best kings who ruled Media, as he was able to form the Median Empire and was able, in alliance with the Babylonian Chaldeans, to overthrow the Assyrian Empire. He occupied its capital, Nineveh. He also married his daughter Amedea to King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon to strengthen the alliance between Babylon and Media. He died in the year 585 BC and was succeeded in power by his son Astyages.
Ki Khosrow - He is the third king of the Kingdom of Media (Media), which appeared between the years 700 BC - 549 BC. He is the son of the Median king Phra Hawa Red (Phraortes), who was killed in the year 652 BC. At the hands of the Scythians who fled from the north towards the Median lands after their alliance with the Assyrians. Farhaward (Frawartz) is the son of the founder of the Mad King Kingdom (Duke - Dioko - Diako).
The Scythians controlled the lands of the Medes for 25 years until Kaykhusrau, the son of King Farhaward (Phraortes), restored rule from the Scythians in the year 625 BC and pursued them until he expelled them from the Median lands. Kaykhusraw then formed a strong, armed regular army after he united the Median tribes to confront the Assyrian invasion. He allied with the king of Babylon and entered the Assyrian capital, Nineveh, and destroyed it in 612 BC.
Then he marched towards the south, subdued the Persians, and made them subordinate to the Kingdom of Media. This victory was considered a historic victory for the Medes and for all peoples who had been subject to the tyranny of the Assyrian kings for thousands of years. Therefore, when the Kingdom of Assyria collapsed at the hands of the Median King Kawa (so that they lost), the Medians, along with all the peoples who were liberated from the oppression and tyranny of the Assyrian kings, celebrated Nowruz, which the Kurds - Al-Lar Al-Failiya and Al-Kalhar - celebrate today.
(Ki Khosrow = Kao Khas Ro) Kao of Media means the master or king (and in the Kakai, Faili and modern Kalahari it means the master or the elder brother) Khas in Media and Faili means good or good - Ru in Medea and in Faili - Kalahari sometimes means face and also means direction or path. So, Ki Khusraw (Kaw Khas Ro) means in Faili-Kalhariya the master with a good face or the king with a good path).
And (Khusraw-Kaw Khas Ru), who ruled the Kingdom of Media until the year 585 BC. It is sometimes mentioned as (Kawah), as an abbreviation of the word (Kaw Khas Ro).
Note: Farah Howard’s name is Fili _Kalahri, which means bringer of many. It is a metaphor for bringing luck, and as he says, he came and brought goodness with him
Farrah means a lot. Howward means bringer or bringer
Phraortis is a Greek word translated from the original Faili-Kalhari-Kurdish name (Fara Howard)..
The picture is that the Medi costume resembles the Larari-Phili costume today
The Faili people / Mardam Fili

Source: websites