The Amazigh god of war, Qurzel, represented by a bull
The Amazigh  god of war, Qurzel, represented by a bull 12704
Agourzel is the god of thunder and war in Amazigh mythology, where he is represented by the head of a bull
The Amazigh tribe of the Louata used the head of a bull in their battles against the Byzantines during their revolt against the Byzantines in the sixth century. It is reported that at the moment of the clash, the Louata fired at their opponent a bull representing the god Gorzilla. According to the Byzantine poet Koreb, he in turn mentioned that the leader of the Laguatan Erna tribe used the head of Agorzel in his battles against the Byzantines.
The Amazigh  god of war, Qurzel, represented by a bull 13-47
The idols of Luata made of wood and metal were the idols of Gurzel. Koreb claims that during a clash between the Byzantine Romans and the Moors, Erna, the high priest of the Moors and king of Elagoas/Levath, threw a sacred bull against the Roman lines. Both armies tried to impress each other with shouts and supplications and the Moor Antalas invoked the god Gorzel while Christian prayers were offered on the Byzantine side:
His temple is located in the Libyan city of Warfalla specifically
In the ancient city of Qarza

Source: websites