The Amazigh king, Massouna
The Amazigh king, Massouna 13-10
Massona is an Amazigh king who ruled the Mauro-Roman kingdom, a amazigh Christian kingdom that appeared in the fourth century and continued to exist until the Arab-Islamic invasion. He took the city of Altava (a city near Tlemcen) as the capital of the kingdom. He was described in an inscription from Altava dating back to 508 AD as king over the Moors and Romans, and it was mentioned that he installed his officials, including Maginus on Saphar, Maximus, Procurator of Altava, and Lidir, Procurator of Severiana Castra. ..
The Amazigh king, Massouna 13--10
The Saïda region was included under his rule in the year 508 AD until the year 533 AD, when the region experienced a complete lack of security, after which it was subject to a Christian amazigh family that owned (lajdar) in franda in Tiaret, near Saïda.

Massouna: Wikipedia,
Tourism office of Saida state