Libo (ancient Libyan tribe)
Libo (ancient Libyan tribe) 12709
Libo or Ribo is an old name for one of the ancient Libyan tribes - and the Libo lived in the Green Mountain region - and the name Libya was derived from their name. Their country extends from the region of Cyrenaica to the Siwa Oasis, or along the coast, exactly from the west of the Nile to Cyrenaica. The Libo were residents of Cyrenaica in During the time of the Thira campaign, they were nomadic people who lived in tents that were easy to dismantle and assemble, which they carried with them on their journeys. The Libu used to sanctify the sun and the moon and offer sacrifices to them as they are the two deities that the Libu sanctify in Cyrenaica. This is just as they sanctify the dead, as they adhere to swearing on the graves of their dead to resolve some disputes in their worldly lives.
Their name was mentioned for the first time in the list of names on the second pylon of the Abydos Temple of King Ramesses II of the Nineteenth Dynasty, and it was mentioned on the stela of King Merneptah in the Temple of Amda, and it was mentioned in the texts of Merneptah in Karnak, and they were mentioned in the history of “The Life of Umm-Eotepe” with the names of African peoples and countries. During the era of King Ramesses VI of the Twentieth Dynasty,
The inscriptions on the walls of the Karnak Temple during the reign of Merneptah describe how the war began between Egypt and Libo and how Libo was defeated. Ramesses III also defeated the Libyans in the fifth year of his reign. But after 6 years, the Libo joined the Meshwash and invaded the areas west of the Delta and were defeated again.
Tribe website
Most scholars believe that the Libu or Ribu were inhabiting the current region of Cyrenaica, and their lands may have extended eastward to the oasis region, especially the Siwa Oasis. It is likely that the Qahq and Isbat groups were living in the same area controlled by the Libu or Ribu groups.
During periods of drought, the Libyan tribes would attack the Delta, especially when rule in Egypt was weak, while others believe that the Libyans were indigenous tribes settled in the Delta region, but they were displaced outside it by the ancestors of the Egyptians, and then they sought to recover them again every time.
A number of members of ancient Libyan tribes were able to settle in Egypt, integrate into Egyptian society, and reach power peacefully. They were influenced religiously by its society and even ethnically, and even established a ruling family there. The twenty-second Egyptian dynasty that ruled Egypt belonged to the origins of one of the ancient Libyan tribes, which inhabited Mount Cyrenaica and the Western Desert of Egypt. It ruled Egypt for two centuries (from the tenth century to the eighth century BC), and the founder of that family was King Sheshenq or Sheshun. One of its powerful kings, he invaded Palestine, captured a number of cities, and returned with many spoils.
(The leaders of the ancient Libyan tribes as drawn by an Egyptian artist around the year 1300 BC. The drawing was found in the tomb of Pharaoh Seti I (of the Nineteenth Dynasty).

Source: websites