The scholars that Arabs are proud of are not Arabs at all
The scholars that Arabs are proud of are not Arabs at all 1---644
We begin with Sibawayh, a scholar of Arabic literature and grammar. His origin is Persian, and his birth was in the village of Al-Bayda in Persia.
Ibn Sina, the world of medicine and philosophy, nicknamed the prince of doctors. His origin is (Bukhari), meaning from Uzbekistan, and his father is of Afghan origin.
Al-Hasan Ibn Al-Haytham Al-Basri, a scientist of mathematics, physics, astronomy, and engineering - differs in his origin, Arab or Persian. The English sources say he is Persian, and the Arabic ones say he is Arab. You decide.
Al-Farabi, the famous scientist who is famous for his medicine, philosophy and other sciences, is of Pakistani origin from the city of Farab in Pakistan.
Abu Bakr Al-Razi - one of the greatest doctors of all time.. of Persian origin, born in the city of Rayy in Iran.
Ibn Rushd - doctor, philosopher, physicist, astronomer, and physicist - from an Andalusian-Amazigh family - meaning he is not Arab.
Al-Ghazali - a great jurist and philosopher, of Persian origin from Nishapur
Al-Khwarizmi - the famous mathematician and inventor of algebra, from whose name the word (algorithm) is derived - Persian from the city of Khwarazm in Khorasan
It is also worth noting that the Babylonian, Chaldean, Assyrian, and Sumerian civilizations are not Arab.

Source: websites