King Elulim
King Elulim 1----448
He is the first Sumerian king of the city of Eridu, according to Sumerian mythology, where it is said that Enki, the god of Sumer, ordered him to build the city of Eridu. Sumerian legend says that his origins go back to heaven and he ruled for 28,800 years, and according to Professor William Wolfgang Hallo, his name means “half man and half fish.” It was mentioned in the Sumerian legend of Apkalu and in the Babylonian legend that he lost immortality, and there are those who believe that Alulim is the Adam mentioned in the Bible and the Qur’an.
King Elulim 1---1213
Many historians believe that the first king to rule the world, or to obtain this title, was a resident of Mesopotamia (currently Iraq), called Alulim, and he was ruler of the city of Eridu.
Olulim lived in the mythological period before Noah's flood. This information was obtained when scientists found a manuscript dating back more than 5,000 years and containing the names of the “Sumerian kings.”
However, what is strange about this manuscript is its indication that King Olulim ruled his country for a period extending for tens of thousands of years, and it says that Olulim lived for approximately 28 thousand years.
Not only that, some believe that Olome came down from heaven, while others link him to the Prophet Adam.
King Elulim 1---1214
What makes the matter even more strange is that the information that appears about Olulim indicates that he is half human and half fish! Something that leads us to wonder: Is Olome a reality or just a myth, or has his story been distorted?!

Source: websites