Those without origin say that the Amazigh language was invented by Jack Bennet
Those without origin say that the Amazigh language was invented by Jack Bennet 100611
Jacques Bennet was born in France in 1915. But? :
- Was he the one who invented the Tifinagh letters, whose inscriptions on the rocks of the North African mountains go back more than 3,000 years?
- Was he the one who invented the Amazigh language, which our ancestors spoke thousands of years ago in all of North Africa and which has remained alive to this day in all parts of North Africa?
?- Was he the one who invented the names of the mountains of North Africa (Ahghar, Tassili, Auras, Jurjura Frausen, Atakor, Atlas...)
- Was he the one who invented the names of the cities (Tamangust, Baqayet, Tlemcen, Khenshalth, Oran, Mostaganem, Adrar, Temsilt, Ouarjlan, Tihart....)?
- Was he the one who invented the Berber kingdoms and their kings, Messenisa, Jugurtha, Juba II, Axil, and the priestess.......?
- Was he the one who spread the Amazigh language in Al-Aqsa Morocco, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Tunisia, Libya and the Egyptian Siwa Desert after he invented it in Algeria?
All languages die and disappear, but the Amazigh language remains alive and standing forever.
Our cause is just, and we are the ones who will save our people from linguistic and identity genocide, which is more dangerous than physical ethnic genocide
And all of this is thanks to the mind with which God Almighty distinguished us from animals so that we do not walk like a flock, led by the shepherd wherever he goes and travels. The question remains, which is the first spark for using the Amazigh mind:
???Who gave the Arabs the right to establish an Arab state on our land

Source: websites