The pinnacle of humanity
The pinnacle of humanity 1--324
Nations have only morals as long as they remain. If their morals are gone, they are gone.
The righteousness of your affairs has its reference to morals... so the soul is upright with morals..
If a people is wrong in their morals... then mourn over them and mourn
At the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984, the Egyptian judoka (Mohamed Rashwan) was in the Olympics, and he won with a sweep in the preliminary rounds...
Everyone was surprised that he would play in the final match, and Egypt, for the first time in history, would take home an Olympic medal, either gold or silver.
Newspapers, radio, and television began to spread the news, and everyone started cheering in the name of the champion, and the match was broadcast on the air, and his opponent was the Japanese world champion (Yamashita).
But as the match began, something very strange was noticed.
Rashwan was in a confrontation with his opponent, not hitting him in the left leg, and this was strange in judo.. Rashwan lost several points, and here the whole world heard the screams of Rashwan’s coach as he told him: Hit him in the left leg..
But he refused to hit him and did not even try to take even a single point in this way, and Japan won the gold...
The audience was sad about the loss of gold and did not understand why Rashwan did not play strongly, was lax and refused to carry out his coach’s instructions, but soon the press conference was held and a foreign journalist stood up and asked Muhammad
?He said: Why didn't you follow your coach's instructions
Rashwan replied: “I received confirmed information that the Japanese hero had a tear in the inner ligament of his left knee, and that any strong kick in it could completely destroy it, but he hid the news and decided to play and sacrifice because he represents his country..
Here the same journalist asked him and said: It was a great opportunity, and you should have won... Why didn't you take advantage of the opportunity and achieve gold for your country?
Here was the response from Muhammad Rashwan: (My religion prevents me from hitting an injured person and threatening his future for the sake of a medal!)..
At this moment, everyone stood and gave a long applause for the champion, and UNESCO honored him for those great morals and he was chosen as having the best sporting morals in the world. The organizing committee awarded him an honorary gold medal because he truly deserved it and his fame spread throughout the world. The “Japanese” honored him in particular and received him as a crowned king.
Perhaps if Rashwan had won gold, he would not have received half the honor, appreciation and love he received in the hearts of the world.

Source: websites