???!I wonder who taught the Sumerians about space
???!I wonder who taught the Sumerians about space 1--95
They talked about space travel and flight, and they drew vehicles and creatures with wings, and they talked about ascending to the sky, as in the attached panels. Here we mention some of what they presented:
1- The Sumerians discovered the planets of the entire solar system 6,000 years ago, while modern science was not able to discover the last planets, such as Neptune and Pluto, except in The third decade of the twentieth century. The planet Pluto was newly discovered in 1930 by astronomer Clyde Tambo
2- They knew that there are eleven planets in the sky. In our group, who taught them that, as shown at the top left of the board in the picture, and they arranged them according to their positions!
They knew that Pluto was known to the Sumerians, and they engraved his image in one of the immortal Sumerian sculptures. They knew its appearance and gave it a name that matched its appearance.
3- For the first time, we saw images of the planet Uranus via satellite. It is exactly as the Sumerians described it 6,000 years ago, even though they did not have telescopes or satellites at that time. The Sumerians described the planet Uranus as “Marsh Sik,” which literally means in Sumerian (green). luminous), and they also described the reason behind the deflection of Uranus.
4-The Sumerians say that a tenth planet was attracted to our solar system, which led to collisions and a change in the arrangement of the planets.
5- The Sumerians talked about an alien planet that came from deep space towards the center of the solar system due to the strong attraction between the planets Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter, and in a direction opposite to the orbit of the seventh planet, which the Sumerians called (Thiamat), the strange planet coming from space. Its name is (Nibiru) and it approaches the solar system once every 3,600 years, then moves away again and returns to space.
6- They gave us this Sumerian astronomical map dating back to about 3300 BC. It was discovered in Sumer, Mesopotamia. It is one of the oldest astronomical maps of celestial bodies and their locations in the night sky.

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