Tidernatin area
Tidernatin area 1--315
In the Algerian state of Saeeda, there is an area currently called Tidernatin in Ain Hajar. Who is Drenatin? Or Dernatinus.
It is the story of a Numidian philosopher, born in Saida, who lived under the rule of Yuba II, and who met our Lord Jesus on his long journey from Caesarean Mauretania to Nasiriyah in Palestine and then to Greece.
Egyptian researcher and writer Adam Zaki, who in turn contributed to translating Michelangelo Soderini’s book into Arabic in 2006, stated: “I translated this book because it is one of the best pieces of evidence to confirm the temporal existence of Jesus Christ. The history of this book is linked to the visit of Michelangelo Soderini.” of southern North America at the end of the seventeenth century His discovery of a book dating back more than 1,500 years in one of the caves of ancient Americans is a pride that goes back to a Berber philosopher called “Darnatinus.”
Tidernatin area 13-131
It was written in Latin as “Darnatinus.” He was among the greatest Berber philosophers in North Africa, according to Michelangelo’s book. Darnatinus came from the south of the Lokou region, which is currently known as Sidon Province in western Algeria, specifically from an area called “Darnatina.”
This character has aroused astonishment among Italian researchers over the decades, as the book mentions that “Darnatinus” met Jesus Christ in Nazareth, before he went to Greece.

Source: websites