Cuneiform writing is a Mesopotamian Sumerian invention. Research
Cuneiform writing is a Mesopotamian Sumerian invention. Research 1---118
Cuneiform writing is not only the oldest style of writing, and it is a researched Mesopotamian Sumerian invention, but consider this!!
The oldest cuneiform text may date back to before 3200 BC. While the most recent texts may date back to a few hundred years BC, meaning that this writing continued in use for more than three thousand years. Imagine that the age of Islam from its birth to today is one thousand and four hundred years, and Christianity is 2000 years old, meaning that cuneiform writing continued to be in vogue for a period of time. Thirty centuries, and throughout this long period it was the official alphabet of the ancient world with its various civilizations, despite the differences in languages, from Sumerian to Akkadian and Assyrian, and other Semitic and non-Semitic languages, In Iraq, the Levant, Türkiye, Iran, and the surrounding areas, and even in Egypt. Everyone uses the cuneiform method of writing
It really impressed wonders
This clay inscription is currently in the Louvre Museum, and dates back to the year 2600 BC. It represents the necklace of a house and a field in the city of Shuruppak, one of the ancient Sumerian cities. This type of symbol is called advanced cuneiform.

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