NUMIDIA -El-kaf -Tunisia
NUMIDIA -El-kaf -Tunisia 1--319
Althiburos, a Tunisian archaeological site in the Kef governorate, reveals traces of urban planning dating back to the 9th-10th centuries BC. AD
Ancient Numidian city that came under the influence of Carthage, located on the road linking Carthage to Théveste, the city obtained the status of municipality from the Emperor Hadrian (117-138) under the name of Municipium Aelium Hadrianum Augustum Althiburitanum
NUMIDIA -El-kaf -Tunisia 1--1516
It bears witness to the local development of viticulture, iron working and the independent domestication of cattle. In addition, it indicates the presence of a sedentary population in the 10th century BC. BC, whose economy was based on agriculture, notably the cultivation of cereals and fruit trees (vines, fig trees, olive trees), as well as potentially the production of iron.
Althiburos is a Tunisian archaeological site located in the governorate of Kef

Source Wikipedia