The Seven Wise Men in Sumerian Mythology
The Seven Wise Men in Sumerian Mythology 1--321
Abgal or Abkalu in Akkadian. Abkal in Sumerian. According to Sumerian mythology, they are the seven wise men of the sky. They are semi-gods created by the Sumerian god Enki (in Akkadian Ea). They are responsible for creating culture and civilization in Sumer and other peoples. They are also the main priests of the god Enki, the chief of the Sumerian gods, and they are the main advisors. According to the Sumerian legend, they were the ones who urged the god Enki, the chief of the Sumerian gods, to cause a flood in the land of Sumer in order to drown humanity.

- The seven wise men in Sumerian mythology who were sent by Enki to Earth at the beginning of time to give humans (laws) of sacred civilization. They were also known to the Akkadians, Babylonians and Assyrians as Apkalu or the Apkalu fish, and they are depicted with the body of a fish and the head of a man or with the torso of a fish and the arms, legs and head of a human, sometimes with wings and sometimes without wings. In the Babylonian tradition, collar appears as griffins or simply as humans with wings. The abajal carries a bucket and a cone of incense for purification purposes. By name, they were adaba (first man), wan-doga, en-mi-doga, m-ma-s, ve-li-buluga, enlildda, and utu-abzu.

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