It looks like a hair insect that amazes Australians
It looks like a hair insect that amazes Australians 13-268
An insect that amazes Australians
A group of photos published by a woman of an insect clinging to the outer courtyard of her home astonished Australians, according to what the British newspaper “Daily Mail” reported on Monday.
The woman shared photos of the creature in her home in Drummoyne, Sydney, asking: "Does anyone know what this is?"
It looks like a hair insect that amazes Australians 13-269
Social media users in Australia in particular were baffled and amazed by the insect with its beige oval particles and long, spindly legs.
One person thought the set looked like a "hair accessory" while others said it looked like "pearls" or "rice."
“The single, U-shaped cluster of eggs, each on long thread-like stalks, is characteristic of lace,” Dr. Nicole Gunter, a scientist and curator at the Queensland Museum, told Yahoo News.
It looks like a hair insect that amazes Australians 13--69
“Gorgeous-looking larvae with elongated mandibles will hatch from these eggs, eventually turning into winged adults,” she continued.
Simon Hinckley of Museums Victoria said they were harmless to people and pets, and could be "very beneficial" to live in your garden.
“They are predators in both adult and larval stages, often feeding on what we consider to be pest species, including aphids.”
Lace-winged insects are a common species on the east coast of Australia.
It looks like a hair insect that amazes Australians 13--70
It looks like a hair insect that amazes Australians

Source: websites