The International Space Station...a human achievement from different countries
The International Space Station...a human achievement from different countries 13-312
The great achievements of the International Space Station (ISS) program include not only technological achievement but also human achievement in terms of how best to plan, coordinate and control the diverse activities of the program's many organizations.
The elements of this International Space Station are an international partnership of the great space agencies of the United States, Russia, Europe, Japan and Canada, which in turn has made this station one of the most politically complex space exploration programs ever.
This great station's program includes international flight crews, multiple rockets, a globally distributed launch schedule, operations, training, engineering and development facilities as well as communications networks and an international scientific research community.
It is worth noting that the elements launched from different countries and continents are matched only when they reach orbit, and some of the elements launched later in the assembly sequence are created after the first elements are launched into orbit.
Operating the space station is more complex than other spaceflight endeavors because it is an international program with each partner having primary responsibility for managing and operating the hardware it provides. The construction, assembly and operation of the International Space Station requires the support of facilities on the ground operated by all international partner agencies and countries participating in the program, including construction facilities, launch support and processing facilities, mission operations support facilities, technology research and development facilities, and communications facilities.
The International Space Station...a human achievement from different countries 13-313
International partners and participants:
The International Space Station was launched in 1998 with the participation of the United States, Russia, Canada, Japan and the countries participating in the European Space Agency - making it one of the most ambitious international cooperation programs on In addition to being the largest space station ever built, the assembly of the International Space Station in orbit is still ongoing. Many astronauts from 18 countries visited it and counting.

Source : websites