Scientists obtain new evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial aliens
Scientists obtain new evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial aliens 13--94
Scientists from Cornell University in the United States succeeded in recording an important step towards reaching aliens , as they obtained evidence of the existence of aliens outside Earth, through a recent study.
Through the study, scientists claimed that planets harboring alien life may give off a distinctive purple color.
For her part, Dr. Lisa Kaltenegger, co-author of the study, said: “We are just opening our eyes to these wonderful worlds around us.”
Scientists obtain new evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial aliens 13-176
Purple bacteria
"Purple bacteria can live and thrive under such a wide variety of conditions that it's easy to imagine that in many different worlds, purple might just be the new green," she added.
Life on Earth may be associated with a familiar green color, but life on other planets may look completely different, scientists confirm.
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In their new study, the team of scientists set out to understand what alien hunters should be looking for.
"We need to create a database of signs of life to ensure that our telescopes don't miss life if it doesn't look exactly like what we encounter around us every day," Dr. Kaltenegger said.
The researchers cataloged the colors and chemical signatures of a variety of organisms and minerals. Their analysis also revealed that purple bacteria can use invisible infrared radiation to power photosynthesis.

It is likely that purple bacteria were prevalent on early Earth before plant-type photosynthesis emerged, the researchers said.“They are really thriving here in certain areas,” said Ligia Fonseca Coelho, first author of the study. Farther from Earth, purple bacteria could be well-suited to planets orbiting cooler red dwarf stars, the most common type in our galaxy.

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