!A collection of stories in the Amazigh language has just been released
!A collection of stories in the Amazigh language has just been released 13-364
Timacahutin timazighin or Berber tales is a new work in the Amazigh language which has just appeared. These ancestral stories, which come to us from a distant past, were collected and transcribed into the Amazigh language by the young poet and writer Aïssa Jabbour, a native of South-Eastern Morocco. He has already published a collection of poems in the Amazigh language. This work is part of the safeguarding of the oral heritage of southeastern Morocco, and to enrich the Amazigh library.
To create this humble work, the researcher traveled throughout his native valley to collect these oral tales from the old men and women of his village, notably his late grandmother. We can say at this stage that Amazigh literature, in general, is very rich, but it still remains oral, because there are still many things in various genres (songs, stories, poetry, etc.) that we must draw from and preserve in oral literature in order to protect them for future generations. Thus, we find that the best method that can help us preserve this heritage is writing.
!A collection of stories in the Amazigh language has just been released 13-179
In short, the main goal of collecting and transcribing oral histories is to preserve the collective memory, culture and history of a community or group of people. This allows knowledge, traditions and experiences to be transmitted to future generations, while preserving cultural diversity. It can also be used for academic research, ethnographic documentation or artistic creation. It is in fact about safeguarding and sharing the intangible heritage of a society.
AISSA JABBOUR; Rabat, May 4, 2024

Source: websites