A new discovery paves the way for the possibility of life on Mars
A new discovery paves the way for the possibility of life on Mars 13-387
Scientists have made a new discovery about water on Mars, which could provide the main potential for building life outside Earth.
According to the British newspaper "Dale Mail", scientists believed that most of the water on Mars was stuck inside its outer crust, in the form of solid in rocks or gas in water vapor, but the new discovery indicates the presence of liquid water on the Red Planet.
The Chinese Zurong spacecraft discovered evidence that liquid water exists in sand dunes at low latitudes towards the equator, and away from its poles.
Scientists stated that liquid water is formed when salts in sand dunes cause frost to melt, at low temperatures.
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They added: "The water is likely to remain in this form for a short period of time, as water cannot remain liquid on the surface of Mars due to its extreme cold."
In 2009, the Phoenix Lander probe detected water in the north polar region of Mars, but the new detection detected liquid water at low latitudes, rather than high latitudes.

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