About the future collision of the Andromeda Galaxy and our Milky Way Galaxy
About the future collision of the Andromeda Galaxy and our Milky Way Galaxy 1-3016
The collision of the Andromeda Galaxy and our Milky Way Galaxy - The future of the Milky Way Galaxy and “Planet Earth”»»» on space studies»
• The collision of the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way is a galactic collision that is expected to occur after approximately 4.5 billion years between the Andromeda Galaxy and our Milky Way Galaxy.
»»» • Because of the phenomenon of “redshift”, technology now knows that all galaxies are permanently moving away from us due to the evolution of the universe. But there is one important exception, which is the Andromeda Galaxy. The enormous galaxy is heading towards us at a speed of 120 kilometers per second. The Andromeda Galaxy is now 2.5 million light years away from us, and after approximately 4.5 billion years the two galaxies will collide with each other. Astronomy outside the new galaxy will end because the rest of the galaxies will move away from us at the speed of light.
• When our sun was born 4.7 billion years ago, the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way were 4.2 million light-years away from each other, and they had been moving together steadily over billions of years. They are now only 2.5 million light-years away from each other, and are clearly headed toward a collision. But it will not be a direct collision, as the two galaxies will initially deal severe blows to each other.
• When the first strike occurs less than two billion years from now, and in that first interaction, there is a 12% probability that the solar system will be thrown out of the disk of the Milky Way, and it may coalesce with the long tail tide of material that will exit outside the Milky Way. There is another remote possibility, with a rate of only 3%, that our sun will be ejected into the Andromeda Galaxy.
• If the Earth remains around our sun, future astronomers may be able to witness the collision in its full glory. After the two galaxies bounced back and forth, blow after blow, they would eventually stabilize, and a massive cluster of stars would be concentrated around a common center of gravity. The relatively calm twin black holes will suddenly erupt, forming active galactic nuclei, devouring a torrent of matter that entered the black hole's region.
• This future galaxy will be a “massive elliptical” galaxy and will lose all of its spiral arms. The violent star formation regions will stabilize, and this new galaxy will live out its remaining years and slowly consume its remaining raw material.
• Within 100 billion years from now, all galaxies moving away from us will recede from view and will travel away from us at a speed higher than the speed of light. Extragalactic astronomy will end and our new galaxy (Melcomeda) will be the only galaxy in the region of the visible universe.
?!what does it mean
“Elliptical galaxy” (an elliptical galaxy is described by its elliptical shape, and the number of stars in it ranges from several million to more than a trillion stars. Elliptical galaxies can be formed by the collision of two galaxies)

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