!The Sumerian king Olulim is the same as the Prophet of God Adam, peace be upon him
!The Sumerian king Olulim is the same as the Prophet of God Adam, peace be upon him 0--24
The Sumerian Olim was the first king of the earth. His name was mentioned on the Sumerian tablets in the list of kings of Mesopotamia before the great flood. His name is Olim. The Sumerian legend says that he was expelled from heaven and lost his immortality, so the god Enki, the god of the sky, ordered him to build the city of Eridu next to the river, rule it, and settle in it.
Eridu is a Sumerian city in southern Iraq. The ancient Iraqis considered it the first city in the world, and it is indeed one of the oldest archaeological monuments in Mesopotamia
!The Sumerian king Olulim is the same as the Prophet of God Adam, peace be upon him 12739
Olulim was the first Sumerian king of the city of Eridu, according to Sumerian mythology, where it is said that Enki, the god of Sumer, ordered him to build the city of Eridu. Sumerian legend says that his origins go back to heaven and he ruled for 28,800 years, and according to Professor William Wolfgang Hallo, his name means “half man and half fish.” It was mentioned in the Sumerian legend of Apkalu and in the Babylonian legend that he lost immortality, and there are those who believe that Alulim is the Adam mentioned in the Bible and the Qur’an.
In the picture is a Sumerian painting representing the saint, his wife, the tree, and the snake. It was found in the city of Eridu and is now in the British Museum.

Source: websites