The only golden statue that has survived to this day.
The only golden statue that has survived to this day 1-_bmp23
Emperor Lucius Septimius Severus (in English: Lucius Septimius Severus) or "Severus I", who was Lucius Septimius Severus Augustus. (April 11, 145 - February 4, 211), the twenty-first Roman Emperor (193-211) was born in the city of Leptis Magna, the capital of the Tripoli region at the time (one of the cities of western Libya today), which was then considered part of the Roman province of Africa, in the year 193 during the year in which It is known as the Year of the Five Emperors and is of Amazigh origins.
He rose in the Roman hierarchy under the rule of Emperors Marcus Aurelius and Commodus. He came to power after the death of Emperor Pertinax.
This stunning all-gold bust of Emperor Septimius Severus was found in 1965 by soldiers digging trenches in the area of ancient Plotinopolis Greece.
A city founded in BC by Emperor Trajan, who named it after his wife Pompeia Plotina. Plotinopolis was actually built on top of the Hellenistic Thracian city of Didymoteicho, which was sacked by the Romans in 204 BC.
It is now located in the Komotini Archaeological Museum

Source: websites