A rare metal more expensive than gold, demanded at ridiculous prices, and maintenance workshops secretly seize it
A rare metal more expensive than gold, demanded at ridiculous prices, and maintenance workshops secretly seize it 13--136
Palladium is thousands of times more expensive than gold, found in scrap cars and sold for astronomical sums
Palladium is a metal found in old cars, and it can be obtained in easy and practical ways.
Palladium is considered more expensive than gold, and it is a metal that is in great demand at fantastic prices, and is found in places other than cars.
Gold is not the most expensive of all metals, and most people believe that it is a precious metal that nothing compares to at all.
However, this concept is absolutely wrong, as there are many metals whose price exceeds the price of gold many times over.
These metals can also be present in types of old machinery such as cars in good quantities, and this prompted many metal hunters to start searching, and they made this a profession that generates a lot of money for them.
Steel, glass and rubber are all commonly known components in cars, but they are common components for everyone.
However, it is possible to find a large amount of precious metal in scrap cars. There is precious metal inside these cars, the price of which is higher than the price of gold.
Jewelry and jewelery experts also put it as an alternative to gold and platinum. This metal is “palladium”.
Which recently rose from its real price to exceed 50% of its price. This value means that this rise is imaginary.
These junk cars, which are among the treasures of their owners, have become a valuable wealth, perhaps reviving the economic situation of their owners somewhat.
These scrap cars, which the monopoly view sees, contain the equivalent of two grams of the precious metal “palladium.”
This quantity is estimated at about $450, and this quantity is the smallest quantity found in old cars.
[i The reason for its use in old cars
Palladium metal, 80% of its production, is a catalytic converter in car exhaust purification devices. It also works to reduce the risk of harmful emissions by up to 90%, and this percentage is fully proportional to countries that impose strict restrictions on harmful car emissions.
The rise of this precious metal in this way is due to its scarcity, as scarcity made it the metal of the wealthy.
In 2017, the amount extracted from old car exhausts exceeded 121 tons of palladium, platinum, and rhodium.
These metals are precious and expensive metals, so scrap and old cars are a wealth that cannot be neglected anymore.
Palladium was discovered by William Hyde Wollaston in 1803, and named after the asteroid Pallas.
Palladium is one of the platinum group of metals, along with platinum, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium, and osmium.
Note that palladium is the least dense and has the lowest melting point among this group. Most of the world’s production of palladium metal comes from Russia (44%).
Followed by South Africa (40%), then Canada (6%), then America (5%), and the rest, from other parts of the world.
Hence, we would like to remind you that the scrap cars that we have may be a car that contains a precious metal that cannot be marginalized, so try to search for this metal before dismantling the scrap car that you have to obtain the precious metal in it.
The most expensive metals in order: On this planet of ours there are many precious metals, and the historical and material advantages of each of these metals vary, starting from the intrinsic value of gold metal, passing through the dense and wonderful metal iridium, and many other features of other metals.
It is noteworthy that rhodium metal recently witnessed a new high, trading above $13,000 per ounce, naturally.
But what will the status of rhodium metal, for example, be in the future, and can any other metal surpass it and climb to the throne of the list of the most expensive metals in the world?
In this article, we will talk about the most expensive metals in the world, and classify them in order according to their prices and circulation.
The most expensive metals, in order: The most expensive metals, in order, in the world, are those that are usually classified, based on their price, the extent of their rarity, and their characteristics, in addition to the process of extraction, areas of use, and demand for them.
If the scarcity of these minerals is permanently fixed, all other aspects generally depend on new technologies, political or economic conditions, along with many other issues.
?Well, now, what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear about the most expensive metal in the world
I bet a lot of people would first think of gold, silver or platinum.
But no, in fact, these metals take a place perhaps in the middle of the list of the most expensive metals in terms of their value in the commodity market.
Therefore, our conversation today will concern the most valuable metals, which are traded on the commodity market.
Our classification today will be based on the price per kilogram, in 2021.
1. Rhodium - $675,166 per kilogram, the most expensive metal in the ranking.
Trading code according to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO): XRH
Annual production: approximately 30 tons.
Main producers of rhodium: About 80% of this metal is mined in South Africa.
As for the other producing countries, they are distributed among Russia, Canada, Zimbabwe, the United States, Botswana, Finland, and Colombia.
Rhodium metal is at the top of the list of the most expensive metal in the world within the precious metals from the platinum group, which are traded on the commodity market.
Today, this metal costs more than $300,000 per kilogram, which is four times more than the price of gold, and about ten times more than the price of platinum.
The reason behind its high value is its wide-ranging extraction applications and its great scarcity.
In quick comparison, gold deposits are four times larger, and platinum deposits are five times larger, than rhodium deposits.
Rhodium is commonly used in the lighting industry, mirrors, and is even used in nuclear reactors.
It is also known as a scratch-resistant coating for jewelry, particularly for “white gold.”
However, approximately 80% of the demand for rhodium comes from the automotive industry.
As it is used in headlight reflectors and catalytic converters, which helps reduce toxic gas emissions, the reason for this is,
This metal helps filter out nitrogen oxides better than palladium or platinum, and is also easier to install.
Rhodium, as an investment option, was not discovered until 2009.
But right now, you can invest in it very easily.
Since interest in the automobile industry is increasing, perhaps the idea of investing in it is a very good idea.
2. Iridium - $102,882 per kilogram, the most expensive metal in the ranking.
Annual production: approximately 3 tons.
Main producers of iridium: Brazil, United States, Russia, Myanmar, South Africa, Australia.
A rare metal more expensive than gold, demanded at ridiculous prices, and maintenance workshops secretly seize it 13--40
Iridium is the second most expensive metal on the commodity market, and at the same time, it is considered one of the rarest platinum group metals on Earth.
Its high price is not only due to its relatively small size, but also due to the difficulties that accompany its production, and to the demand and speculation on it in the market.
Because of political issues in the countries that produce it, in addition to the high development in technology necessary to extract it.
Given that it is a very hard metal, iridium is ideal as a hardening agent for alloys, which are used in the production of aircraft engine parts and deepwater pipes.
Iridium is commonly used in metallurgy, medicine, as well as automotive, electronics, aviation, and many other sectors.
Many products are also manufactured from this metal, such as pen tips, scales used in compasses, and surgical instruments, in addition to computer memory devices and solid lasers. It is also used in the manufacture of low-thrust rocket engines.
In medical terms, it is also used in the treatment of cancer.
Despite you, iridium metal is viewed as a secondary element, and therefore, very few people invest in it.
The ideal way to enter the market with this metal is to invest in the shares of producing companies, for example.
3. Palladium - $77,837 per kilogram
Trading code according to (International Organization for Standardization - ISO): XPD.
Annual production: approximately 200 tons.
Major producers: Russia is the leading producer of palladium.
Other producing countries range from South Africa, the United States, Zimbabwe, and Canada.
Palladium is the third most expensive metal in the commodity market, and is 30 times rarer than gold or platinum, which makes it more valuable.
This metal is considered one of the biggest competitors to rhodium in the automotive industry, as it is often used in catalytic converters in diesel cars.
As both metals convert approximately 90% of the harmful gases found in car exhausts into less harmful substances.
Like rhodium, palladium gained popularity after the Dieselgate scandal in 2018.
But before that, its price was much lower than that of gold or platinum.
Interest in this metal has become very great, in the fields of aviation, navigation and weapons, in addition to the field of dentistry.
General medicine, electronics, and the field of nuclear energy.
It is also used in “white gold” alloys, to prevent scratches.
As is the case with gold, palladium is considered an important means of attracting reserves and a safe haven from any potential inflation.
In addition to all of that, as is the case with rhodium, palladium is really important for the automotive industry, which may ensure continued growth in the global automotive market.
4. Gold - $58,836 per kilogram
Trading code according to (International Organization for Standardization - ISO): XAU.
Annual production: ranges between 2500 - 3000 tons.
Main producers: China, Australia and Russia share the first place.
As for some other countries, they vary between the United States, Peru, Canada, Ghana, Indonesia, Mexico, South Africa and many others.
Gold comes in fourth place as the most expensive metal in the commodities market.
However, it is considered the most popular investment among people, and this is mostly due to gold’s long history and its continued stability, especially in times of war or crises.
Over the centuries, this metal has been considered the de facto currency of many countries.
It was also an important sign of wealth and power, therefore, there was a constant demand and a continuous market for gold.
It is used in electronics, in addition to aviation equipment, in dental implants, and is even used in the manufacture of some medicines.
However, its main industries are jewelry and trade.
Nowadays, gold is seen as a safe haven and the most popular reserve investment option.
It is truly noteworthy and interesting that its price usually rises when the US dollar faces weakness.
This is because many investors turn to the metal at times when the currency faces difficulties.
As gold was then considered an excellent reserve against the decline in the value of the currency.
Currently, the high price of gold depends not only on its rarity or practical uses, but also on market conditions,
A rare metal more expensive than gold, demanded at ridiculous prices, and maintenance workshops secretly seize it 13-433
The demand for it is mostly from the jewelry, pharmaceutical, and microelectronics industries.
5. Platinum / $34,562 per kilogram
Trading code according to (International Organization for Standardization - ISO): XPT.
Annual production: approximately 160 tons.
Main producers: South Africa is the main producer.
Some other countries are Russia, Canada, Zimbabwe, and the United States.
Today, platinum is known as one of the most expensive metals in the world, but this was not always the case.
At first, people thought it was poor quality silver, and they were accustomed to fake, forged jewelry.
But over time, discoveries made it clear that platinum is rarer than gold, and it has gained a higher status and value among the metals.
Today, the name “Platinum” is given to a limited and very expensive series of jewelry and watches, in addition to credit cards with high privileges, and it is also usually given to the highest rewards.
In addition to the many areas in which it is used, platinum still maintains its status as a sign of wealth.
Until 2018, platinum was widely used for catalytic converters in diesel vehicles.
But after the Dieselgate scandal, the auto industry began to prefer palladium and rhodium because of their greater effectiveness.
Among the many industries in which this metal is used, we find dentistry, weapons manufacturing, aviation, computers, general medicine, along with the glass industry,
There are also other products, such as laboratory equipment, cancer drugs, hard drives, and turbine engines, which contain platinum.
But it is mostly used for jewelry, in addition to being a good investment tool.
The platinum market is relatively smaller than the gold market, but the number of investors interested in it is still rising.
Platinum is one of the most volatile precious metals.
In periods of stability and economic growth, we find that its price may reach twice the price of gold.
But in times of recession or instability, its value decreases, below the price of gold.
6. Ruthenium - $9002 per kilogram
Annual production: approximately 30 tons.
Main producers: Russia, North and South America, South Africa, and Canada.
Ruthenium metal belongs to the platinum group, and it is considered one of the rarest elements in this group, which makes it somewhat expensive.
But because it is less widely used than other metals, its market is smaller.
Ruthenium is often used in the electronics industry, and given that it is cheaper than rhodium and has some similar properties,
It is also used in electrical communications, wiring, and the production of electrodes.
Many manufacturers use it as a strengthening element for platinum alloys.
Some of the interesting areas in which ruthenium is used are radiotherapy in medicine, and exposure to latent fingerprints.
Soon, the price of this metal may rise more than its current price, as the scientific community is currently researching voraciously,
The ability of this mineral to absorb light may help in the development of new, low-cost solar energy systems.
7. Silver - $800 per kilogram
Trading code according to (International Organization for Standardization - ISO): XAG.
Annual production: approximately 40,000 tons.
Main producers: Mexico, China, Peru, Poland, Russia, Chile, Australia, Bolivia, United States.
Silver is also considered a safe and popular investment, as the metal maintains its value regardless of all crises.
However, silver deposits are relatively larger than gold, which makes it much cheaper.
Unlike gold, silver is known for being more volatile, as it has been gaining popularity in the industrial world over the past few years.
Today, silver is used in the production of missiles, submarines, and nuclear devices as well, in addition to computers, jewelry,
In photography, dentistry, batteries, solar panels and much, much more.
Among its beneficial properties is that it controls odor and prevents the spread of bacteria.
A rare metal more expensive than gold, demanded at ridiculous prices, and maintenance workshops secretly seize it 13-434
Often, all of the metals mentioned above are popular investment options, as they do not carry credit risk.
All metals, without exception, can maintain their value more than money, especially in times of various crises (financial, political, or military).
But on the other hand, the value of metals can experience a significant decline in times of “economic uncertainty.”
In addition, supply issues may also be a factor affecting the value of minerals.
Besides, sometimes, it may be very difficult to find a buyer for the minerals.
It is noteworthy that there are several ways in which the investor can access the mineral commodities market:
Precious metals, such as rhodium, gold, platinum, and others, are indeed the most expensive metals in the world and the most valuable elements of the metals used in industrial fields.
Which are actively traded in commodity markets. However, they are not actually the most expensive metals on earth.
Have you ever heard of the metal “californium”? The price of this metal reaches approximately $27 million per gram, and it is the most expensive metal in the world.
Despite its great value, it is of very little importance, as it has significant and extremely dangerous radioactivity.
In addition, it is a man-made metal, and its manufacture is not easy enough.
Annually, only 30 to 40 micrograms of californium are produced in both Russia and the United States.

It is mainly used in nuclear physics and in the fields of energy generation, and sometimes it is also used in medicine to treat tumors.
It also sometimes replaces X-rays, in order to detect damage to reactors or aircraft facilities, because it is more efficient in these cases.
This is just one example of metals that are more expensive but rarely used.
Let's not forget other metals, such as polonium or plutonium, whose price may reach tens of billions of dollars.

Source: websites