Nador: Study meeting on the advancement of fundamental rights and freedoms
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Within the framework of the Legal Clinic Program in Nador, the Annual Forum for Development and Citizenship, in partnership with the Legal, Political and Economic Research Laboratory, and the Center for Studies and Research on Public Administration, organized an interactive meeting on the topic “Advancing Fundamental Rights and Freedoms: Intersecting Readings,” on May 19, 2024.
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The meeting, which was hosted by the large seminar hall in the Mercure Space in Nador, witnessed a qualitative and balanced presence of a variety of civil activists, including university professors, student researchers, lawyers, and representatives of civil society organizations, as it was an opportunity to present a group of cross-sectional readings on the advancement of basic rights and freedoms.
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The interactive meeting included two sessions, the first of which was devoted to discussing the role of the university as a space for formation, learning, and gaining scientific knowledge in human rights education, through the angle of academic analysis. The second session included the roles of the lawyer in defending human rights, and was moderated by practicing lawyers and researchers in the field.
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It should be noted that the organized meeting comes within the framework of the “Enhancing Access to Justice” project, the subject of the partnership between the Annual Forum for Development and Citizenship and the National Endowment for Democracy.

Source : websites