Scientists were puzzled...a strange object was detected underwater that was faster than sound
Scientists were puzzled...a strange object was detected underwater that was faster than sound 13--141
Scientists were puzzled...a strange object was detected underwater that was faster than sound
Scientists search through satellites and spacecraft for alien life on distant planets, but what a scientist saw in the deep sea raises thousands of questions about what is going on in our world.
A strange incident occurred in the late 1990s and was recently widely circulated on the Internet, about a strange object that appeared to Bob McGuire, a professor at Virginia Tech and the Institute for Defense Analyzes, as he was at the time conducting secret work on the submarine USS Hampton when he heard a buzzing sound in the the deeps.
McGuire recently posted the story on the UAP Society's YouTube channel, where he wanted to reveal the whole matter, according to a report published by the British Daily Mail.
Scientists were puzzled...a strange object was detected underwater that was faster than sound 13-446
Story details
The story began when the sonar on board the submarine identified an unknown object that was moving through the water at a speed faster than the speed of sound.
McGuire said such underwater speeds should have crushed the submarine, but he said it was as if it was standing still.
McGuire added that he urged the Marine team to report the encounter, but they decided it would hamper the mission.
Scientists were puzzled...a strange object was detected underwater that was faster than sound 13-447
While McGuire did not share what he was doing on the Navy submarine, the location and depth at which it was due to classified information, he did say that the engagement lasted only a few seconds.
He explained during a YouTube interview that “someone with knowledge of the submarine’s onboard systems,” who was likely monitoring the sonar technology, announced that something had overtaken the submarine at supersonic speed.
The speed of sound
It is noteworthy that sound travels faster in water, about 3,330 miles per hour, because the liquid is about 1,000 times denser than air.
Scientists were puzzled...a strange object was detected underwater that was faster than sound 13--142
The only man-made object that can compare is the Russian Shkval torpedo, but it can only reach speeds of 230 miles per hour.
The fastest marine animal is the sailfish, which can swim at 68 miles per hour.

Source : websites