Business schools in America include an artificial intelligence course in their curricula
Business schools in America include an artificial intelligence course in their curricula 13-200
Educational institutions have subjected professors to training in using and teaching artificial intelligence
Universities and business schools in the United States have decided to teach artificial intelligence in 20 new or modified classes, and are urging their students to engage seriously with new scientific developments.
Educational institutions have subjected a number of professors to training on how to use and teach artificial intelligence tools, according to the American Wall Street Journal.
American educational institutions say that teaching students the new skill would increase their chances of competing for distinguished and advanced jobs, especially with the use of artificial intelligence as a second mind and thinking tool, and employers’ tendency to hire talents who have artificial intelligence skills, according to the newspaper.
The Kogood School of Business at American University is studying artificial intelligence and technology through 20 new or revised classes, ranging from forensic accounting to marketing.
Business schools in America include an artificial intelligence course in their curricula 13--156
The newspaper confirmed that “40 percent of potential business school students said, according to a survey conducted by the Admissions Council, that learning artificial intelligence is necessary to obtain a graduate degree in business administration.”
“Understanding and using artificial intelligence has now become essential,” says Kogod College Dean David Marchick. “Much like learning to write or think, every student needs to know how to use artificial intelligence in everything they do.”
Professors in colleges of administration and business in a number of American universities welcomed students' use of artificial intelligence tools, such as their use of calculators in mathematics.
“MBAs should use AI to generate ideas quickly and comprehensively, provided the technology is asked the right questions,” says Columbia Business School professor Sheena Iyengar.
Business schools in America include an artificial intelligence course in their curricula 13-492
She added that the human decision cannot be canceled and the user must direct the artificial intelligence, otherwise a number of errors will occur, stressing that one of the exercises she teaches to her students is to use artificial intelligence to generate business ideas from automated points of view, as the task shows how ideas can be reformulated for different audiences and build... On different points of view.

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