TASEGDA AKPSI Architectural engineering
TASEGDA AKPSI Architectural engineering 1-758
Amazigh architecture is considered one of the manifestations of culture and civilization in many Amazigh regions in Tunisia and Gabes in particular. It is distinguished by the splendor of its geometric forms, and the beauty of its designs and decorations, which reflect a manifestation of the creativity of the Amazigh person, over the centuries, who continued to develop this architectural style throughout history, while retaining its original features, which make it different and distinct from Eastern as well as Western architecture and others.
A number of urban monuments, mosques, kasbahs, palaces and walls, in a number of regions of Tunisia
Such as Tanakt Palace and Azemmour Palace, and also walls like the walls of Qafsa and Gabès, which were demolished by the French.
Some of them remain tall to this day, untainted by the calamities of time. The magnificence of this architecture refers to the ingenuity of the Amazigh people in producing these architectural masterpieces, which are characterized by precision in construction and extremely beautiful decoration, in addition to being distinguished by the use of local materials, which do not require additional external paint, so the building stands as if it were an artistic painting that excites the onlookers.
Unfortunately, the Qabsi person does not know that his identity and heritage are in his hands, and the Qabisi must return to his origin and original Tunisian Amazigh heritage, which makes him unique and authentic in his land among all the world...
What happened in the fire of the Jara market, which is considered one of the oldest and rarest markets, is not the same in Tunisia, but in all of North Africa. It is a conspiracy and a plan and not spontaneous at all, as the market burned twice during Eid... A suspicious matter in light of the fact that the government of Qais Assid did not undertake any investigations into this major crime against the history of Tunisia as a whole... I think that the regime of a foreign country is behind this fire... in order to be alone with this living historical mosaic... in Gabès.
We do not just blame foreigners, but we start looking around us first. Why does Al-Qabsi not know what he has? Why is he only proud of the foreigner’s heritage, whether he is a Hejazi Arab or a Syrian Levantine? A while ago, I saw children from Shenni dancing at a party organized by the kindergarten. To the tunes of the Levantine “Dabkeh”?
Are Al-Qabasi, especially the previous generation of them, who were raised on the melodies of Umm Kulthum, the “ambassador of Arabism,” who were raised on the ravings of Abdel Nasser... and who were raised in an atmosphere full of bombs and wars? Will this generation really understand what I am doing, or will it curse as the Arab regime that aims to kill identity has become accustomed to... We saw some of our relatives who committed suicide, committing suicide identity-wise and culturally!
Despite the disadvantages of the previous generation, which did not preserve the legacy immortalized by our ancestors who fought on the land of Gabes, Cuba, Tacfarinas, and Youghrten...
I have all hope and joy when I see fresh, fertile minds from the soil of Gabes, where the people of Cuba were raised.
And spread its seeds all over Africa...it will become a plug one day!

Source: websites