Discovery of the skull and bones of the oldest human in North Africa
Discovery of the skull and bones of the oldest human in North Africa 1--336
The city of Tagnif is one of the municipalities of the state of Mascara, western Algeria. Tagnif is an Amazigh word that means two ponds. Important Etruscan discoveries were discovered in it, including a cemetery for elephants of the extinct Atlantic elephant type. My father lived in prehistoric times, which indicates that it had been inhabited for thousands of years, and the skull and bones of the oldest human were discovered. In North Africa, there is what is known as the Atlas Man, which was announced in October 1952 after excavations and in-depth studies of the tools used in Endak, whose history was estimated at more than 500,000 years. It is also found in the fossilization of the site of the Acheulian civilization, which contained animal bones and other human bones, including 3 lower jaws and a parietal bone of the teeth, which were attributed to two new types of Before Al-Baht Camille Arambourg in 1954 It is the entropy of Dat's very large jaws, which indicates the presence of large humans
Also found at the site were Acheulean stone artifacts containing many hand axes

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