An important scientific discovery that may change our understanding of the universe... signs of the existence of an alien civilization
An important scientific discovery that may change our understanding of the universe... signs of the existence of an alien civilization 14-64
For many years, scientists have tried to search for extraterrestrial life. Despite the great efforts made in this regard, these attempts did not reach a final result.
According to what was reported by Russia Today, a group of Swedish, Indian and American astronomers have found new evidence on this matter.
Extraterrestrial civilizations
Scientists explained that there are 7 stars in cosmic space that contain “Dyson spheres” that indicate the presence of extraterrestrial civilizations, according to a recent report by the British magazine “MNRAS”.

The report indicated that "Dyson spheres" only appear through the efforts of highly advanced alien beings. Therefore, the potential radiation emanating from them is one way to search for the presence of other living organisms outside Earth. It is also a thought experiment that attempts to explain how alien civilizations obtain their energy requirements when these requirements exceed the limit that these civilizations can generate from the sources of their planet alone.
Scientists explained that they were able to discover seven visible M dwarf objects that show excessive emission of unknown origin. These objects fit our model of a Dyson sphere. Scientists pointed out that current scientific theories do not explain the excess radiation detected in these stars.

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