Myths around the world
Myths around the world  1----74
Today's legend, the great German philosopher Immanuel Kant:
Immanuel Kant is considered one of the prominent figures in the history of philosophy in general and in the philosophy of the modern era in particular. He is also considered the greatest philosopher of the eighteenth century. With his life and his writings, he was able to leave a lasting impact on mental life and philosophical thought, whether in his time or in the generations that came after him. His philosophy is considered a revolution like the philosophy of Socrates, who diverted man from studying the universe to studying the soul. Kant defined the mission of the philosopher precisely, as he was not concerned with exploring the principles of existence. He is not concerned with obtaining a view of the world for himself, as much as he is concerned with investigating the power of the mind in order to discover its specialty, its limits, and its scope, and to seek the conditions of human knowledge. Some historians of philosophical thought even believe that there are four poles of philosophy from the ancient Greek era until the modern era: Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, and Kant.
Kant's critical philosophy was based on criticizing and refuting the rationalist doctrine (Descartes)...
And the empirical-sensual doctrine (Locke and Hume).
Considering that his theory of “knowledge” emanating from the rational tendency is not based on experiential-sensory contents..
Rather, it results from deductive logical thinking.
The German philosopher - Immanuel Kant - believes in the existence of God, but he does not infer it with rational proofs. In his view, the mind is insufficient to comprehend God, because by the nature of its formation it only perceives limits, relationships, quantities, and qualities, and its field of action is partial issues and partial truths. The universal truth and the issue of essence, being, and essence are matters beyond his capabilities.
The philosopher's evidence for the existence of God comes to him from his conscience, from his inner desire to seek truth, justice, perfection, and goodness.
Likewise, the thirst for water indicates the presence of water.
The thirst for justice indicates the existence of the just.
The thirst for perfection indicates the existence of the perfect, which is God, and because justice is never achieved in this world, there must be another life in which every human being receives his rightful reward and is placed in his just place. Immanuel Kant is considered one of the most important German philosophers 🇩🇪 who established what is known as critical idealism, and thus he became one of the most important thinkers of the modern era.
In 1781, Immanuel Kant published his most important work, the Critique of Abstract Reason, in which he asked the four fundamental questions of philosophy: What can I know? What should I do? What can I hope for? Who is human? His search for answers to these questions is called epistemology. In 1795, the philosopher Immanuel Kant wrote his book For Perpetual Peace.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz delivered a speech on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the birth of the great thinker. Given the current wars and conflicts, the Chancellor focused his speech on peace solutions from Kant's perspective. He said: “We all hope to achieve peace for ourselves in our time. But peace at any cost, it will never happen. It was clear to Kant: “He who is attacked has the right to defend himself,” the Chancellor said these words in reference to Kant's text is entitled “For Perpetual Peace,” where Kant continued, “Nor should he be forced to accept a peace agreement, concluded by the aggressor out of his evil intention, and to violate it at the first opportunity.”
In 1804, Immanuel Kant died at the age of eighty in his native city of Königsberg, which now belongs to Russia.

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