Dostoevsky 1-3028
The Russian writer, whose modern connection with literature was cut off, after he was arrested on charges of opposing the Russian Emperor at the time, where he spent eight months during which he received “the treatment of silence” in an isolated solitary confinement prison in which he did not speak to anyone, and the guards even wore velvet shoes that did not cause the sound of footsteps in the prison corridors. So that the prisoner does not feel that there are people other than him in the world, and they do not respond to his shouts or appear to him when giving him his share of food.
They handed him over to himself, so that the madness would take care of him.
Then they took him in chains, wearing his shroud, and ordered him to dig his own grave. Then he stood at the top of the hole, in front of the firing squad, which had prepared its rifles and aimed to kill any of his body, awaiting the order of their leader...
But a miracle happens...
A rushing, breathless soldier enters the scene, carrying an order to cancel his execution. Dostoyevsky does not know at the time that it was a farce arranged to break his spirit. He is then transferred to hard labor in a new prison in Siberia for four years, during which he suffers from many illnesses.
After imprisonment, Dostoyevsky wrote novels the likes of which no one had ever seen before him, which found their way into the dark caves of the human soul, and after that the face of literature changed...
Freud wrote analytical articles for his novels... and Nietzsche, who was harsh in his judgments, said about him that he was the only psychologist from whom he learned anything. In fact, he considered him one of the best things that happened in his life in general... even Albert Einstein himself. I consider him one of the few geniuses who surpassed Gauss, the very famous mathematician... and the American writer Ernest Hemingway said about him: Reading his works changes what is inside you by moving between fragility and madness, holiness and evil....
That is why you can be confident that a man like this knew what he was saying when he said:
“To live without hope is to stop living.”

Source: websites