The lovers Ali and Nino
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The Georgia statue is a representation of a young man named Ali, and a girl called Nino. The two lovers were separated by place, and each of them was in love with the other. In these lines we mention the story of the statue and the story of its designer.
It is a statue of love that immortalized the love story between an Azerbaijani Muslim and a Georgian princess. This statue is a masterpiece that derives its splendor from the true story that took place during World War II between Ali and Nino.
Unfortunately, this love story was not completed, as usual love stories since Qais and Lubna, Jamil and Buthaina. But this story is unique in that it ended with Ali’s death in an aerial bombardment of his house.
Here we will learn the story of the Georgia metal statue, the story of Ali and Nino, and the designer who made the statue so that you can enjoy seeing this masterpiece before your eyes.
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Ali and Nino
The story of Ali and Nino appeared for the first time when it was created by the Jewish author Lev Nussimbaum, who used the name Kurban Said as a cover to publish his works during the period of Nazi rule in Germany.
The events of the novel take place in the period between 1918 and 1920, a period that followed the consequences of World War I, during which European rule was in control of the eastern countries, of which Azerbaijan was the country of Ali.
The story depicts a wonderful city of Azerbaijan, Baku, inhabited by Ali, a student who lives a luxurious life with his aristocratic family.
As days pass, Ali falls in love with a Georgian girl with a European Christian culture. Despite the great difference between the two lovers, love reconciles them, and war comes again to separate them with Ali’s death in an air raid.
Georgia moving statue
The statue of Georgia represents the artistic painting that immortalized the love story that became very popular after Kurban's novel was translated into nearly 30 international languages and printed in nearly 100 editions.
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The statue is very unique as it moves and comes together every 10 minutes in a movement that indicates the reality that Ali and Nino lived in: they dispersed, then came together, then dispersed.
It is a wonderful piece of art that you can enjoy seeing at sunrise, as well as at sunset as the sunbeam falls on the statue of Georgia in a gentle, emotional scene.
Location of Georgia statue
Batumi is the pearl that Georgia boasts. This city has many wonderful tourist attractions that catch the eye.
From the green Batumi Park, Batumi Street, which is full of tourist attractions, the arm market, and the Black Sea coast, on the banks of which the most famous statue of Georgia is located.
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Batumi is the city where the statues of Ali and Nino are located, and it is one of the most important cities to go to when visiting Georgia because of its tourist attractions, and because of its atmosphere that includes many different cultures such as Islamic, Christian, European, and Russian.
Georgia statue designer
In 2010, the Georgia statue appeared for the first time, designed by visual artist Tamara Kvesitadze.
The huge statue, the love story between Ali and Nino, inspired Tamara to make it from pieces of metal in the form of two transparent figures, each of which moves at 7 pm towards each other, and in the end they merge without connecting, unfortunately.
This wonderful movement takes approximately 10 minutes in an attractive artistic appearance in which the transparent parts are illuminated with bright colors that give lovers more life and shine instead of the muted metal appearance.

The novel Ali and Nino, even if it was a fictional story, represented the literary work that the people of Georgia celebrated and highly valued, to the point that it was considered the first national novel in Georgia.
The Georgia statue is also a masterpiece. You cannot visit Georgia without seeing it. Now, how do you see the story of Ali and Nino?

Source : websites