Scandals and oddities of queens throughout history
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The ecstasy of the king and the throne sometimes overthrows minds
Throughout history, many queens have held the throne, and whether they were of high lineage or not, they left an indelible mark that contributed to changing the course of history, through positive actions and behaviors or even abnormal actions and crazy things in which they defied established traditions and the laws of authority. In the following article, we review some cases of the queens of Abyan who put their name on the list of the strangest and most admired queens in the world.
Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt
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Many myths revolve around Cleopatra's personal life
Despite the legendary beauty - the reality of which is doubted - the prudence and nobility, the intelligence and cunning, as well as the various sciences that she was keen to learn, and who had an important role in bringing down the most powerful men of Rome, the great “Julius Caesar”, and then after his treacherous death in Aqar. His house was followed by “Mark Antony”... the great Roman leader.. Cleopatra - the last king of the Pharaohs - who assumed the rule of Egypt at the age of eighteen, and during her reign the Egyptian people enjoyed prosperity, security and reassurance, was not that ideal queen... she was the one who killed her brother. The younger Ptolemy A puppet whose strings are being moved by the state of Rome..
It is said that Cleopatra had a strange habit, which was to season cantaloupe with garlic as an appetizer. She also used to bathe in donkey milk every day to preserve her beauty.
Valeria Messalina, Queen of Rome
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Messalina...the flirtatious empress
The wife of Claudius, Emperor of Rome, one of the virtues of our queen this time - and these are narrations from several sources that are not proven with conclusive evidence - is that she was a working woman! Yes, despite her being the empress of the greatest civilizations at that time, but - due to her humility - she decided to contribute to the advancement of the entertainment field, so she established... What is called a house of prostitution or a house of ill repute, where girls provide various types of great services to men in exchange for a lot of money that is poured into their treasury. It was also said that she and the women of the upper classes used to participate in promiscuous nights... where competitions were held inside the bedrooms from time to time. ..And we can say that she was the undisputed champion, as she could sleep with twenty-five young men per night!!
Julia Agrippina
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The queen who gave birth to the crazy emperor of Rome, Nero
A descendant of the ruling family in Rome, the niece of Messalina's husband, Claudius. After the latter was involved in a case of treason with a lover of hers, and the collapse of her stocks, she persuaded the ambitious Agrippina to become queen by marrying her uncle, the emperor - incest -, so she agreed and became his fourth wife... and after Claudius' death by poisoning. It was rumored that she was the one who put it in his food. She installed her son from her first marriage (Nero) as ruler of Rome, then extended her influence and controlled the political and family affairs of the empire. But that did not last long, because after a few years she would die at the hands of the assassins whom her son sent to assassinate her. Her last words in this world will be directed to those killers surrounding her bed with their swords drawn. She will scream at them while pointing to her stomach, saying: “Peace the womb that bore Nero.”
Nzinga, Queen of Angola
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Queen Nzinga... a fierce warrior...
Not far from the bedrooms...we find Anna de Souza or N'Gola Anna Nzinga Mbanda, known as "Nzinga", Queen of Angola, who took over the reins of power after the death of her brother, and that was in the seventeenth century, but she was not an ordinary queen.. Rather, she defended Her country against the attacks of the Portuguese and succeeded in keeping them in the Gulf for forty years.
Despite the exploits and heroism of this African queen, she did not fail to care about her private life, and because she was a queen, she decided to gather, like men, also - and this is not strange for her, because she behaves like them - a group of harems, or, let us say, her own slave girls, but not of women, but of men with athletic bodies. And the muscular ones, whom she made dressed like women to satisfy her whims.
But the problem was, “Who are you going to sleep with every night?” “So she came up with a successful and logical method, which is to make two people fight every night, and the winner is the one who gets to spend the night with her... and then he is rewarded the next day with “execution”...
At the age of seventy-five, she dissolved her “harem of men” without abandoning everyone.
Isabella, Queen of Castile
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Isabelle I...her name is usually associated with the notorious Inquisition
Isabelle I...her name is usually associated with the notorious Inquisition
One of the worst, most evil and fanatical women in the history of mankind. She lived in the fifteenth century. The wife of Fernando V, King of Spain. The woman who supported Christopher Columbus, the Italian sailor, on his voyages and contributed indirectly to the discovery of the continent of America. She was the one who established the Inquisition... and wasted the blood of millions of Muslims and Jews. And those who are not Catholic after Granada overthrew the last Muslim stronghold in Andalusia..
The hatred and hatred that she possessed was not only directed towards those who were not of her religion, but rather she considered it to be something else, more personal. She had a strong hostility towards cleanliness. She used to boast that she had only bathed twice in her life, on the day of her birth and on the day of her wedding!! ..
Excluding the day of her birth, on which she had no say, and the day of her death, on which she apparently forgot to recommend that she not wash herself... she must have washed once of her own free will, and that was on the day of her wedding!! ..
The question that arises here is: How was Fernando V able to bear her throughout a marriage that lasted more than thirty years, which resulted in the birth of a son and four daughters, including the famous Queen Juana the Crazy? An article was previously written about her on the site under the title: Juana the Crazy...the most influential of the queens and the worst of fate.
Empress Theodora, Queen of Byzantium
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Theodora...from a seductress in the streets of Constantinople to an empress
An obscure actress on stage, a dissolute prostitute, then a shrewd empress, and finally a revered saint. With this wonderful combination, Theodora lived. After a life full of promiscuity and promiscuity, Justinian I, the heir to the Byzantine Empire, loved her and married her. She became his partner in power. She did not have children, and yet she continued to rule. She removed her enemies with her intelligence...and was one of the first to establish laws for women's rights. Today, Theodora is considered a saint in the Eastern Orthodox Church and is celebrated on November 14.
Maria Eleonora, Queen of Sweden
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Queen Maria Eleonora
The most beautiful queen in Europe in 1620, the daughter of John Sigismund, Elector of Brandenburg, and Anna, Duchess of Prussia, married the Swedish King Gustavus Adolphus against the wishes of her brother William. Since her marriage to the king was difficult and went through many obstacles, she knew that it was her duty to give birth to a son to succeed the throne. But she gave birth to a girl. She kept the matter secret and did not reveal it. Even when the king sent for the news, she screamed brutally, saying, “Instead of a boy, I was given a girl... dark and ugly, with a big nose and black eyes. Take her from me, I don’t want this monster!”!! ..
During that period, she faced serious mental problems, or what we now call “postpartum depression,” during which she tried to kill her daughter several times. The girl fell from the cradle under mysterious circumstances, then fell down the stairs, then onto a stone floor, and other incidents in her childhood. It made everyone suspect that the queen had something to do with it.
But the child, Christina, had seven lives. She was not killed, but lived. She was raised by her father, who raised the boys, to become the Queen of Sweden. As for her mother, her madness had reached its peak, as she refused to bury her husband’s body for more than a year, and she was sleeping under the suspended casket that contained His heart.
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Christina...she was an eccentric queen
She was crowned Queen of Sweden in 1644. She was a woman with masculine characteristics - as a result of the upbringing in which she was raised -. It was reported that she was a lesbian (homosexual tendencies), and what was most widely reported about her was that she was fond of philosophy. Among the strange things narrated about her was also that she caused the death of her teacher, the French philosopher Rene. Descartes... because she required him to get up at five in the morning to teach her, and with the frost that enveloped the general atmosphere in Sweden, the old philosopher’s health was affected and he quickly died!! .
Victoria, Queen of Britain
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Queen Victoria...ruled for a long time
The grandmother of Europe, she ruled the United Kingdom for many decades of the nineteenth century, and left her mark on all fields of life. The Kingdom lived its golden age during her reign, which was called the “Victorian Age”..
In the first half of the nineteenth century, during a famine in Ireland, the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Majid Khan I decided to donate ten thousand pounds, so Queen Victoria, Queen of Britain and Ireland at the time, asked him to donate only a thousand pounds, as she was only going to donate two thousand.. The funny thing is Here the Sultan responded to her decision publicly, but he sent five commercial ships hidden from the eyes of her men, loaded with food commodities via Turkish sailors, so that a people whose queen, in her arrogance, wanted to die of hunger would not perish!! .
Another of the queen's wonders is that she used to order that her trains travel no more than forty miles during the day and thirty miles at night... She also used to order the train to stop when she ate every meal!! .
Elizabeth I, Queen of Britain
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Elizabeth I.. never married
Or the Virgin Queen, as she is called, she never married in her life, and for the duration of her reign, which was nearly forty years, she never approached men. It was said that she used to say: “It is better for me to be a beggar and unmarried woman, than to be a queen and married.” Her life was surrounded by a lot of mystery. There were many rumors about her being a man, not a woman. To learn more, you can read a complete article about her on the website entitled “Leslie’s Boy: The Boy Who Became.. the Queen of England!” .
Never-ending madness...
From the Tsarina of Russia, who ruled against a prince who conspired against her to act like a chicken and sit on the eggs inside the cage, and even the German Duchess Marie August, who used to receive her guests while in the bathroom, to Queen Elizabeth, Queen of Austria, who used to wrap wet towels around her waist before sleeping in the belief that she would protect her. For her elegance, to Queen Vandine, who imprisoned her hairdresser for three years so that he would not know that her hair had turned gray... an inexhaustible sea of anecdotes and oddities extends...
To this day, the lives of queens are still not devoid of wonders. For example, Queen Elizabeth II, who is ninety-two years old and currently on the throne of Britain, also had a lot of strange behavior. She was the one who created a job. “Royal Shoe Extender”, which softens her new shoes by wearing them several times until they are comfortable and easy to put on. It is also reported that the Queen wore the same simple shiny black shoes on all occasions for fifty years! ..
I once read that she eats bananas on a plate with a knife and fork, and when she was asked about that, she said: “Only monkeys eat bananas in this primitive way!” .
In conclusion...
The more I delved into the research, the more I discovered actions that turned gray, resulting from kings and queens who ruled the kingdoms of the world, appearing in public in a normal and balanced way, while under that false cover they concealed a turmoil of madness... a life full of contradictions, marred by suspicious ideas and strange whims... for reasons whatever It seemed clear, but remains mysterious to us.

Sources :

– 10 Scandalous Queens Who Shaped History
– The Weirdest Royals Throughout History
– Wikipedia and many Arabic and English websites