!!One of the most famous sayings of Socrates
!!One of the most famous sayings of Socrates  1---667
“The cure for anger is silence.”
“It is not necessary for my words to be acceptable, it is necessary for them to be honest.”
“With thought, a person can make his world out of roses or thorns!”
“We have been given two ears, two eyes, and one tongue, and this indicates the necessity of listening and seeing more than we speak.”
“The only good in the world is knowledge, and the only evil is ignorance!” “Contentment is natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty.”
“Always remember, no human condition is permanent, so you will never be overly happy when you are lucky, nor will you despise and disdain misfortune.”
“Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, and weak minds discuss people.”
“Speak so I can see you. Your voice expresses your presence, and it is more than just the ability to speak. Your words are you. Yes, this is how it is done.”

Source: websites