The secret of the mummy from which all scholars were unable to remove the linen
The secret of the mummy from which all scholars were unable to remove the linen  1-3038
This mummy is the only one among hundreds of Egyptian mummies from which not all scientists in the world dared to remove the linen wrappings.
The mummy was called (Bacherie). It is 165 cm tall and is estimated to be about 4,250 years old. It is located in the Louvre Museum and its body is covered with linen wraps in a strange and miraculous way that baffled the scientists and made them all refuse to remove the linen wraps from it due to the difficulty of returning it to its original form... saying:
There is not yet technology in the world that enables us to return it in the same way that the Egyptians did it.
The secret of the mummy from which all scholars were unable to remove the linen  1-3039
As is clear to you, the face mask reveals some of the features of the mummy’s owner...and its body is covered with linen wraps in a strange and miraculous way that has baffled scientists.
As is clear from the meager contents found in that mummy's tomb, its owner is a simple citizen from the Egyptian public.

To prove the ancient Egyptians, after thousands of years, the extent of their genius and superiority, and the world still stands helpless in the face of their greatness.

Source: websites