“Akhenaten and Nefertiti...a legendary love.”
“Akhenaten and Nefertiti...a legendary love.” 1--1545
The inscription of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, his wife, indicates love in ancient Egypt. These inscriptions date back to the era of the New Kingdom, the Eighteenth Dynasty........... The queen supported her husband in his new religious calling, which was like a religious and social revolution, and she was supportive of him in moving the capital. To its new headquarters and it was named (Akht Ton)
Queen Nefertiti became famous for her beauty, intelligence, and support for her husband, Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten), and she bore him three daughters. Therefore, the love story of King Akhenaten and his wife Nefertiti captured the hearts of Egyptians, in addition to her appearance next to him in many drawings on the walls of temples, indicating that she shared everything with him.
In the inscription, Nefertiti wears a crown that resembles the crown of her husband, Akhenaten. In another inscription, she stands next to King Akhenaten, her husband, and holds the scepter. They perform rituals for the idol Aten. In another inscription, she stands on chariot chariots, disciplining the enemies, and helping him harvest foreign prisoners.
“Akhenaten and Nefertiti...a legendary love.” 0---32
This is what made the king’s love for her a legendary love immortalized in history.
*King Akhenaten addresses his wife Nefertiti. (You are not the only one that God created in this world...but you are the only one that God created in my heart)

*Encyclopedia of the Pharaohs - Pascal Vernos.
*The Story of Civilization - Smart Naguib Mahmoud.
*Inscription of Akhenaten and Nefertiti in the Egyptian Museum.