Noam Chomsky
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Noam Chomsky, one of the most prominent thinkers and critic of American politics, died yesterday at the age of 95. Chomsky was known for his sharp criticism of the American state and its foreign policies, especially in his famous book “The Rogue State,” which sparked widespread controversy and revealed the United States’ practices in defying international law and violating its principles.
In his book Rogue State, Chomsky discusses how the United States uses military force to achieve its strategic and economic interests, ignoring international law and UN resolutions. Chomsky points out that the United States often describes other countries as “rogue” to justify its military and political interventions, while it itself practices the same tactics it criticizes.
Chomsky confirms that the United States interferes in the affairs of other countries and supports authoritarian regimes that serve its interests. He points out that the United States justifies its interventions with the concept of “legitimacy” according to its interests, considering itself the protector of democracy and human rights.
Chomsky points out the double standards in applying international law, as the United States ignores the violations committed by its ally Israel against the Palestinians, while strongly intervening in other countries under the pretext of protecting human rights and democracy. This behavior reflects a policy of selectivity in the application of international law, which undermines its credibility, raises questions about its integrity, and calls for deep thinking about how to promote a more just and transparent international system. Respects the sovereignty of states and human rights away from double standards and selective policies.

Additional references
- Chomsky, Noam. *Rogue States: The Rule of Force in World Affairs*. Pluto Press, 2000.
- Columbia Political Review, "Theorizing the Rogue State's Cultural Hegemony: An Analysis of Post-Cold War U.S. Foreign Policy"
Barnes & Noble, “Rogue States: The Rule of Force in World Affairs by Noam Chomsky, Paperback”