The ruler of Kush in a monkey cage
The ruler of Kush in a monkey cage 1---1235
When the ruler of Kush dared to attack the Egyptian garrison in Nubia and seized it, and when the news came to Ramesses II
◾ He became very angry and Ramses II shouted and said: “How dare this person attack my land and kill my soldiers? Bring him to me in a monkey cage.”
◾ Then he ordered the preparation of a disciplinary campaign for Kush, and a group of Egyptian special forces went and arrested the ruler of Kush and brought him in a cage of monkeys. The great-grandfather also ordered his imprisonment, and he appointed “Setao” as governor of Nubia and Kush.
He built for him a beautiful temple carved into the rock in an area called Al-Durr. It was called the Temple of Al-Durr. It is about 200 kilometers south of the High Dam. The temple was moved to another place.

Source: websites