!NASA experts explain why we have not met aliens yet
!NASA experts explain why we have not met aliens yet 13--197
NASA experts explain why we have not met aliens yet!
Experts say that aliens eliminate themselves before it is time for them to meet humans, even though the reality of life and science says that the galaxy is teeming with life, and this does not indicate that something scary will happen in the future, such as the disappearance of aliens!
Scientists working at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) have discovered that an alien civilization may become extinct little by little, often before it has time to meet humans. Humans will not have the opportunity to meet aliens, and in return, according to the "Great Candidate" theory (Great Filter)", humans may suffer the same fate, that is, disappear before meeting any aliens.
!NASA experts explain why we have not met aliens yet 13-594
In the details of the news, five researchers from NASA suggested in their scientific paper that outer space must have existed throughout the history of the universe, but it did not have the opportunity to wander sufficiently to touch the base of the Earth. Research indicates that some aliens are being eliminated due to uncontrollable events, such as an asteroid colliding with another, while others are eliminating themselves, due to nuclear wars, climate change, deadly epidemics, and out-of-control artificial intelligence.
Scientists point out that humans may face the same fate if they do not understand how aliens are eliminating their civilization, and do not learn from their mistakes. Whereas if humans learn from what the aliens are going through, they may have the opportunity to survive long enough and meet other beings outside their planet.
!NASA experts explain why we have not met aliens yet 13-595
The study says: Evidence of the existence of life on planet Earth or in our galaxy still exists, but in practice, there is not enough evidence of what exists outside the planet, and this raises the questions: Where is everyone out there? Why is the outer universe silent so far? This is what makes specialists believe that there is an existential catastrophe that may occur. While we are trying to explore the outside, there is a liquidation of beings, or what we called a “Great Filtration”, that occurs, and it wipes out civilizations before they can confront each other, and this is what explains the current cosmic silence. And not meeting any aliens to date.
The study's authors suggest increasing human maturity so that the "great filter" does not reach their species. They describe what happens with aliens as "dysfunction." To pass this global filter of species, Humans must identify their own traits and neutralize them in advance.

“Increasing understanding across groups, societies, and civilizations, as well as some major technological advances, should increase the odds of overcoming the Great Filtration,” the researchers say. In practice, history over time has shown competition between species, but has not eliminated it.

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