!A real treasure...more than 250 dinosaur eggs were found and scientists say they were bad parents
!A real treasure...more than 250 dinosaur eggs were found and scientists say they were bad parents 13--201
Scientists have found more than 250 fossilized dinosaur eggs in a small village near the state of Madhya Pradesh in central India, and they are estimated to be more than 65 million years old.
These eggs indicate that dinosaurs were bad parents.
The most surprising discovery was the presence of an anomalous egg called “egg-in-egg” where an egg was observed inside an egg.
It is difficult to find intact samples of eggs, as they are a fragile, weak, and breakable material.
This discovery has been a real treasure for geologists, and the subject of a recent study due to the presence of strange specimens, in which an egg was revealed to contain another egg.
In addition to parts of a dinosaur's body in the nests, this strange anomaly in the eggs belonged to birds, and no cases of reptile eggs have been recorded.
The specialized research team found 256 fossilized eggs in more than 92 cavities in the folds in the Narmada River Valley region in central India, as this region is famous for ancient Cretaceous samples.
!A real treasure...more than 250 dinosaur eggs were found and scientists say they were bad parents 13-597
It is difficult to find intact specimens of eggs, as they are fragile, weak, and breakable, and they can be good food for many predators.
But the samples found were likely subjected to rapid burial as a result of river flooding or mud drift, which accelerated the burial process.
Studying eggs and their locations reveals a lot about dinosaurs' parental strategies, the evolution of egg-laying, and previous environmental conditions. The recent discovery showed a similarity to birds due to the concentration of a huge number of nests in one area, which is comparable to the colonial nesting behaviors seen among many groups of birds. Modern.
However, burying eggs in shallow pits was more reptile-like, mirroring the behavior of modern crocodiles.
“The most surprising discovery was the presence of an abnormal egg called ‘egg in the egg’ where an egg was observed inside an egg,” said study author Dr. Harsha Dhiman.
!A real treasure...more than 250 dinosaur eggs were found and scientists say they were bad parents 13-216
While this type of egg laying has not been reported in reptiles but only in birds, this leads us to assume that titanosaur sauropod dinosaurs may have laid eggs in a sequential manner as is the case with modern birds.
The close proximity of egg nests to this type of dinosaur indicates a lack of parental care. Deman says, “This may indicate a lack of parental care because the process of exchanging care between the parents over the eggs would have led one of them to step on the eggs, given the large size of the titanosaur sauropod, in addition to the scarcity of bones.” “Parents with fossil eggs, which confirms the lack of parental concern.”

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