Mount Ruarima in Venezuela is simply an extraordinary mountain
Mount Ruarima in Venezuela is simply an extraordinary mountain 13-600 - Ismail Qasimi - There are some wonderful places on Earth that offer stunning views that one can never forget because they are unique and unrepeatable, such as Mount Ruarema in Venezuela is one of these places that are truly worth reaching and discovering as a unique opportunity of a lifetime. .
Mount Roraima rises 2,810 meters high and is surrounded by towering cliffs 400 meters long, forming the largest mountain table in the world . It is one of the oldest mountain formations on Earth, and forms the natural border between Venezuela, Brazil, and Guyana in South America. It is also called Roraima Tepui or Cerro Roraima. In local languages.
Long before European invaders arrived in these lands, Mount Roraima was considered a symbol of these regions as the “axis of the world”, a huge tree growing all the vegetables and fruits you can find in the world. This mountain has always been a place of mystery, myths and legends for the indigenous people who have lived here for centuries.
Mount Ruarima in Venezuela is simply an extraordinary mountain 12755
If you are curious, desire to discover, and love unique places, you can reach this unusual mountain in two ways, either by traveling to Venezuela or Brazil.
All tours start on foot from the village of Paraitbuí, inhabited by the Pimon people, and can be reached from the town of Santa Elena in Venezuela, or from the Brazilian side by taking a plane to Santa Elena de Hueren Airport, a Brazilian city very close to the border, and from there you can Buses take you to the tour starting point in Baraitbui village.
If you are not a fan of long walks and mountain climbs, do not worry. Walking here is not difficult and you can also get the help of indigenous tour guides for a small sum of money. It is said that Mount Roraima provides a number of the most amazing hiking trails in the world.
Mount Ruarima in Venezuela is simply an extraordinary mountain 13-601
Even if you are a solo traveler, try to book at least four days, especially since there are many things you can enjoy there while camping, which most tourists do there.
You should know that leaving the village towards the mountain cannot be after two o'clock in the afternoon because it is forbidden, and at the beginning of the climb your bags will be carefully checked and you cannot take more than 15 kilograms with you.
You should also know that this place is a national park and an ecological reserve, and there are some things that you are not allowed to take such as rocks or plants that you find along the way.
Mount Ruarima in Venezuela is simply an extraordinary mountain 13--49
Best time to visit
It is possible to climb at any time of the year, although most people prefer to visit it during the dry season, which runs from December to April, which is not actually dry, but simply drier, as the weather can change quickly.

Source: websites