The First Egyptian Dynasty (ca. 3100-2890 BC)
The First Egyptian Dynasty (ca. 3100-2890 BC) 1--1550
A journey through time (Thebes, which ruled the world), the history of ancient Egypt
The First Egyptian Dynasty (ca. 3100-2890 BC) and its most important kings are: _
(Mina Narmar _ Aha _ Jar _ Waji __ Demo _ Aj Ib _ Samarkht _ Qaa )
First, before going into what I wrote about the First Dynasty, I would like to point out that ancient Egyptian history is full of stories, many secrets, and ambiguous, mysterious details that have not yet been discovered. And everything that was written was through some details that were discovered through ancient artifacts that are found. From time to time, Because it is difficult for anyone to monitor these details that extend over many centuries, some of which were recorded on the walls of temples at the time of ancient Egyptian writing and others that have not yet been recorded, but they can be revealed through archaeological treasures emerging from the ground. From time to time, no one blames me for being negligent in some details and events that even archaeologists and historians have not yet discovered. However, I am using an intelligent method and the follower will benefit from what I will publish in the coming days on two important points, and we must focus on them carefully, the first of which is (the most important kings). The dynasty) and the second (the most important events in that era and the roles played by those kings)... And with God we begin.., and this first dynasty represents the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt through King Menes “Narmer” who fought the Scorpion King, the last king of Upper Egypt, at (Nekhen). The center of government was the city of Tanis, located near Abydos, near Upper Egypt. King Menes is also credited with building the city of Memphis and the temple of God Ptah. Then, according to the list of Abydos and the list of Manetho, “Aha” was followed by “Jer” who fought in Nubia and during their reign there were relations with Libya, then "Jet Waji", during whose reign a famine occurred. Then came "Demo", whose mother, Meritnet, was regent to his throne. Then came King "Aj Ayb" who succeeded him, during whose reign a lot of political turmoil occurred. Then Semerkhet succeeded him after he carried out a coup and usurped power. From "Aj Ib" and the last king of this family was Qaa, who did not find anything special in his rule. In general, this family is distinguished by the increase in the volume of trade and the expansion of the state's territory through military campaigns and the establishment of architectural projects.The capital of their king, as we said previously, was the city of Tanis near Abydos. Queen Nehotep, wife of King Narmer, may have been the first woman to rule the throne of Egypt after his death. During the reign of the First Dynasty, Egypt transformed from an agricultural state only to a largely civilized state in all aspects. life .,
The reign of King Qaa, the last king of this dynasty, is considered the most stable and prosperous period. His rule lasted for a period ranging between 27 and 33 years. He is believed to be a relative of King Semerkhet, and historians believe that he had no sons. Therefore, they fought after him over the throne and broke out. The war was between a prince called (Sunni Farka) and another prince called (Horus Ba). In the end, another prince named (Hetepesekhemwy) came and settled the conflict after he defeated them and assumed the throne of the country. Hetepesekhemwy is considered the founder of the Second Dynasty.

Source: websites