Battle of Lignica, April 9, 1241 AD
Battle of Lignica, April 9, 1241 AD 1-3043
When the Mongols invaded Europe, the Polish army, consisting of knights and infantry armored with iron, confronted them. The Mongols pretended to panic and fled, and the knights of the Polish army rushed after them and reached a plain full of herbs, not knowing that this plain they had conquered would bear witness to their graves! The Mongols had saturated it with oil in advance, and the knights did not realize that until they saw the fiery arrows shooting towards them, so it turned into an endless furnace that swallowed everything, and their shields that protected them became a hot sweat that roasted their skins! Whoever succeeded in escaping from the fire found an arrow piercing his eye or forehead*, and sixty thousand members of the Polish army were killed in that massacre. The Mongols then advanced and invaded Hungary.
*Note: The Mongols were and still are among the most skilled archers in history. The knight always practices archery while riding his horse, and he only shoots his arrow when his breath matches the horse’s steps as he gallops! He trained on fixed and moving targets from all angles, to the point that one of them was lurking around his armored enemy, waiting for him to raise his sword to hit him in the blink of an eye in the space under the armpit that separates the arm armor from the chest armor!

Source: websites