Election of members of the Tamazight Channel’s trade union committee
Election of members of the Tamazight Channel’s trade union committee 13-622
Today, June 25, 2024, at 2:30 p.m., at the headquarters of the National Union of the Moroccan Press, a meeting was held to elect members of the union committee for the Tamazight channel, which resulted in the election of:
Nadia Ehsisu - writer
Yassin Al-Semlali - her deputy
Said Bouazzawi - Rapporteur
Mehdi Loukasi - his deputy
And all of:
Zainab Al-Ajbabi - Samira Arfawi - Khadija Allama Al-Idrissi - Saeed Maluki - Abdel Nabi Edsalem, members of the melody.
This report includes the legislative framework for union elections, the course they took on the ground, the most important ministerial decisions that organized them, The problems faced by candidates and those wishing to run, and the images of violations and abuses to which they were exposed, while not ignoring any positive aspect that appeared in the course of this process, no matter how limited or of little impact.
The House of Trade Union and Labor Services has formed an operations room to follow up and monitor the trade union elections

Source: websites