Thus, the Almohads imposed the call to prayer in Amazigh.
Thus, the Almohads imposed the call to prayer in Amazigh 1-774
▪︎ The data provided by the sources about the Amazigh language during the Almohad era is clearly different from other eras... The Almohad authority... as soon as the matter was established, they proceeded to carry out bolder reforms with regard to the linguistic issue... and the most prominent of these reforms is the formalization and institutionalization of On the Amazigh language...
▪︎ We saw in the previous article that all official, political and military activities that were taking place in the rest of the Maghreb and Andalusia were carried out in the Western tongue [the Amazigh-Masmoudi language] with the presence of translators to convey the meanings to the Andalusians who spoke only Arabic.. But what about the religious aspect? ?
▪︎ One of the cares that the Almohads gave to their mother tongue was to force it to be taught in mosques and schools... and to hold the Friday sermon in it... and this policy was not out of the blue, but was implemented because the Almohad authority was aware of the low level of Arabic among the Amazighs...
▪︎ Another aspect of this care was creating a call to prayer in the Amazigh language.. It was given immediately after the usual call to prayer in Arabic.. Al-Shatibi Al-Gharnati narrates in his book “Al-I’tisam” that it was called “Tasalit Al-Islam”... and also adding other passages to the Arabic call to prayer as aspects that fall within the rule The tathwib include: “Qiyam Tasalit”, “Sudrtan”, “Tardi” and many others... All of them were used to call to prayer...
▪︎ What is most exciting is the strong steadfastness demonstrated by these Almohad reforms. Al-Shatibi al-Gharnati, who lived in the 14th century AD, mentions that he witnessed it himself. The application of these laws in the Granada Mosque in Andalusia during his lifetime..
▪︎ It seems, then, that the results of this reform linguistic policy remained stable even after the fall of the Almohad state at the hands of the Banu Marin... and it included all the lands ruled by the Almohads, including Andalusia... and considering that Ibn Tumart’s call was launched publicly in the year 1120 AD... which he inaugurated with legislation His teachings among his students and in his homeland of Ikeliz in the country of Hargah...
We can conclude that the call to prayer in the Amazigh language was chanted throughout the Maghreb and Andalusia for nearly 3 centuries!
▪︎ Sources and referrals according to the numbering approved in the first comment!

Source: websites