“Nothing lasts in this world, not even our pain.”
“Nothing lasts in this world, not even our pain.” 1-983
When Charlie Chaplin invited the great scientist Albert Einstein to attend the opening ceremony of one of his films in 1931
Einstein said to him: Do you know that what I love most about your art is that it is a universal art? The whole world can understand you simply without you saying a single word.
Chaplin responded to him with philosophy and wit, saying: This is true, sir, but your fame is greater. Certainly, the whole world loves you, even though no one understands you!
The young man decided to go to America in search of better life opportunities after living a miserable life in London. At the age of twenty-five, he became wealthy. Chaplin, the writer, director, producer, and music composer, was the greatest artist in America, but he was soon expelled from it when American society could not bear it. From him all these self-critical whips that flog him and expose his insides
When the young man returned to America again, it was at the end of his life and before his death
Because he was full of energy, vitality, and activity...people thought that he must be taking many types of strengthening and stimulant drugs that preserved his youth and vitality. He was an example of health and how to maintain it. He did not take any types of medications, drugs, or narcotics in his life, and he did not marry Ona. O'Neill, the love of his life, was fifty-five years old While she was only eighteen years old, she could give birth to eight children!!
And when he died, the doctors said... He did not die from weakness or old age, as he was ninety years old, but his thin, weak body could not bear all that strength and vitality inside him, just as a light bulb cannot bear the large electrical energy that if you walked through it with a sudden great force, it would inevitably be burned by it. ...and so he died... his energy and youth burned him... he was a young man in an old body who never absorbed all that energy and vitality, and he is the one who “Bernard Shaw” said about him. He was the only genius in cinema, and some may say, “So what is the use of health as long as they are both?” In the end, both
Health and illness have the same path and end, which is death...
This is true to some extent, and in the end every human being is free in his choices... Live healthy... or live unhealthy, wasting God’s blessings on you through smoking, drugs, and others... You are free.
As for him, he lived free.... There is no doubt that he was one of those who made us laugh and made us cry. He made us laugh at ourselves, our lives, and our faults, and made us cry over our condition... He is like a father who scolds you harshly sometimes and makes you cry...then he cries with you and over you while he Who always said that there are aches and pains in my heart and mind, but my fig lips always smile, they do not know this.
He is one of the laughing and crying people in our lives
And many people are like that... clowns... they bring smiles, laughter, and happiness to others, while their hearts groan from crying... no matter how much we always smile... that's why I smile.
Smile, no matter how much pain there is in your heart
Smile, no matter how broken your heart feels, even if the sky is filled with clouds and despite your fear and sadness, perhaps tomorrow will bring you something more beautiful. Only when you light up your face with a smile of joy and hide every trace of sadness, no matter how many tears flood your eyes, you must continue trying to smile, for what is the point of crying? And all you have to do is smile

Source: websites