Student Elias Barka gets first place in the regional competitions for the “Tifinagh Olympics” in the Souss region
Student Elias Barka gets first place in the regional competitions for the “Tifinagh Olympics” in the Souss region 13-29
The student Elias Barka, from the Ait Wadrim Community School in the Chtouka Ait Baha District, won first place during the regional eliminations for the “Tifinagh National Olympics” in its 12th session in the Souss-Massa region.
This came during the regional competitions for the “Tifinagh National Olympics” in its 12th session, which the Regional Academy of Education and Training in the Souss-Massa region supervised, yesterday, Tuesday, June 25, 2024, organizing with the participation of female and male students in the fifth and sixth levels of primary school who qualified for the regional competitions.
The student, Latifa Al-Baz, from “ School” in the same directorate, won second place. The third rank usually goes to the student Asmaa Fard from the Tafraout Mouloud Collegiate School in the Tiznit District.
Student Elias Barka gets first place in the regional competitions for the “Tifinagh Olympics” in the Souss region 13--13
The organization of this demonstration comes within the framework of activating the partnership and cooperation agreement between the Regional Academy of Education and Training in the Souss-Massa region, the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture, and the Fitzival Tifaouine Association, in support of teaching the Amazigh language, and to activate the official character of the Amazigh language and culture.
It is expected that the “Festival Tifaouine Association” will host the national competition on August 15, 16, and 17, 2024 in the municipality of Tafraout, Tiznit Province, in parallel with the 16th session of the “Tivaouine Festival.”

Source: websites