Hate speech dominance
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There is no disagreement that the state of Sudan, even before the secession of the South, is a diverse and pluralistic state (ethnically, culturally, religiously and linguistically), in which there is a Muslim majority, and components that are hypothetically called (Arab groups) and may be descended from them, but even if we accept that, it does not give them the right to paint the entire state and call it (the Arab or Islamic state of Sudan), and in the same way with the rest of the other components from the far east to the west to the south passing through the center, the entire state cannot be branded as Nubian or Beja or Fur or Zaghawa or African and so on, this is something natural that was overlooked and erred by those who took over the reins of the country after its independence from our ancestors in reaching it and announcing it with all simplicity, and this would have saved the country a lot of blood and destruction that happened to it, and because of that, the accumulation of injustice and grudges increased in the souls of many who felt and sensed that they were strangers in their country and citizens From the lowest levels in it, this matter was and still has its extreme danger to Sudan as a state and a country, and in my estimation this is the main reason for all the wars that resulted and are still going on, because it gave the justification for the Sudanese to shed the blood of his Sudanese brother with all coldness and even with pleasure and pride, and this is the height of moral and human decadence and degradation, and this was also a direct result of the dominance and control of the hate speech that was worked on for many years, especially during the era of the Islamists and “Kizan” regime, and that was the era in which wars spread on the basis of religion, race and identity, and because they were intentional and planned and are considered a state policy and not just a coincidence or individual incidents.
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Even the separation of the South would not have been possible if this had not been an attempt to preserve the old state pattern (unilateral identity and culture) and impose it on the rest of the components of the same state, who have an inherent right to it in terms of history and geography, and with the antiquity of all those peoples who lived in it historically, in addition to the migrations that occurred. This mixture was created and over several centuries passed until we reached the borders of all of present-day Sudan, which was known by its name, and Sudan gained independence from English colonialism on it.
There are facts that are important to acknowledge, which are:
1- Sudan is not a country with a single identity
2- Sudan is a country and a region that is diverse and varied in terms of religion, culture, ethnicity and language
3- Sudan has historically been inhabited by indigenous peoples and other immigrant groups, and together they formed Sudan after independence
4- Those who took over the reins of affairs after its independence failed to deal properly with its management according to its diversity and multiplicity, which was not difficult and was easy
5- All the wars that resulted in it were the result of the imbalance of the standards of good management of its diversity, which we have continued to suffer from until now, and which manifested in injustice, its accumulation and the deepening of differences between all its citizens, in favor of specific population groups and regions that monopolized power, development, wealth, education, health and all services
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The direct result of all of the above, and on the way to practical solutions and stopping the path of all previous failures and ending wars or not giving any justifications that lead to them, begins with the courageous correction of them by everyone, especially the sons and daughters of the regions and ethnic, population and religious groups that have gained control over power, wealth and development, monopolization and enjoyment of all services compared to others with them in the same country (Sudan), with full recognition that those groups, with the succession of generations until the generations of the revolution, have historically had no direct role or guilt in the country reaching this quagmire of conflict, wars and divisions on the basis of religion, race, identity and language.
The most important thing we can do to stop the process of devastation and conflict that has continued for at least the lifetime of modern Sudan and for nearly seventy years since the declaration of the state’s independence is to besiege and stop hate speech. If it continues, wars, conflicts and fighting will not stop, even if the constitution is amended in the correct and complete manner and everyone is granted All citizenship rights in all of our state (Sudan). The greatest danger and real threat to our state in my estimation, which weakens it, develops it, nourishes it, and is ignited by its enemies and the enemies of its people, from within and without, is the control, spread, and spread of hatred and its discourse within our societies, our environments, and all parts of our country, and it is a real obstacle to any building of trust between all Our components, and thus hindering any dialogue between us as Sudanese that leads to correcting all historical errors in it and to throwing away the pages of the past and looking to the future.
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Hate speech now and throughout the modern and developed world, especially the democratic countries in it, is considered one of the crimes that cannot be forgiven and deserves punishment. Our situation will not be improved unless we adopt a trend that does not serve our enemies by spreading and deepening hate speech. Unfortunately, with technological progress, there have become means that increase its spread. And its establishment, and from it all racist, separatist, and divisive claims are launched, and the vocabulary of hatred is used even in the language of political discourse, as well as in ordinary speeches between us as Sudanese, and this reality is very necessary to work hard to change and confront with all force, and not to take it lightly, and to control it.
There are practical steps in this direction:
1- Do not allow any hate speech from any individual, social or political component to be transmitted, stop it, or publish it.
2- Control the language of speech among all Sudanese, especially in circles of awareness and even in social media, media, and official channels in which the spread of hate speech increases.
3- Confronting hate speech From all political, revolutionary and democratic forces and to fight it, the sound leadership has the greatest role in this.
4- All administrations and civil and tribal leaders also have to play great roles to stop all forms of racist speech and hate speech within their societies.
5- Sincere and continuous work from everyone who feels the responsibility in our country in Conquering hate speech and the need for direct and continuous awareness of this
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The belief in the importance of creating a new reality for Sudan and the Sudanese helps us all correct all the mistakes of the past. It requires rebuilding trust between us as Sudanese first. This requires looking to the future and not being confined, withdrawn, and withdrawn into the past with all its shortcomings and failures. It requires taking collective responsibility for change for the better for our country and for stopping and ending all conflicts and wars and not enabling foreigners in our country or enabling the known enemies of change who are the ones who spread the most hate speech and racism in our country. Let us all be optimistic about a better future for Sudan for which everyone works with determination, will, and responsibility.
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Written by: Nidal Abdel Wahab

Source: websites