?"story. "Girl or tiger
?"story. "Girl or tiger 1---1239
One of the most controversial stories in history, especially between women and men
It is a story. "Girl or tiger?" By American writer Frank Stockton
The content of the story is that it tells about a sadistic king who invented a new way to try the accused, which is that the accused of a crime stands in front of two closed doors, one of which has a beautiful girl behind it, and the second has a hungry tiger behind it..
If he opens the door behind which the beautiful girl is, the accused will “forcibly” marry her. If he opens the door behind which is the tiger, he will have to wrestle with it or it will be a delicious meal for him. This choice indicates whether the accused is innocent or not. If the tiger’s door is opened, it means that the accused is guilty. If he opens the girl’s door, he will be guilty. Innocent and free.
The argument of the story was that his daughter, the king, loved a commoner, and he also loved her very much. But one day, while her father, the king, was passing through the palace, he happened to be arrested in the royal suite with his daughter. When he found that he was a commoner, he decided to try him in the usual way: “The girl or the tiger.”
The time for the trial came, and the accused looked around the crowd in panic.
He saw the princess, his “sweetheart,” sitting in the cabin... waiting... and she could easily tell which of the two doors had the girl behind it and which had the tiger behind it - the spectators were watching, so he looked at his beloved one last look... so she pointed to one of the two doors to him without anyone noticing them, and here he began to think. Soon ..
He is very sure that she loves him and wants him to survive, and therefore it is impossible for her to have shown him a door with a tiger behind it. But the princess is a woman and by nature she is jealous. Did she point out to him the door behind which was the beautiful girl whom he must definitely marry?
Did the jealous woman inside her triumph, or did the loving woman triumph?
Does he obey her and believe her signal? Or does he decide on his own and choose the second chapter?
Finally...the young man decided to open the door that the princess indicated
Here we find Stockton, the author, saying, “I’m sorry, I can’t predict the outcome, and I don’t know who walked out the door, the girl or the tiger?” The story ended... but the event did not end. The story greatly angered the readers and caused widespread controversy between the sexes. Females believe that women are naturally sacrificial and prefer that their lover enjoy the care of another girl and remain alive rather than die and lose him.
Men believe that this is the nature of a woman. She would rather have her lover torn apart by a wild tiger than live with another woman.
It brought together a man and a woman so that each of them could choose the end of the story

Source: websites