?How do satellites stay in orbit and not fall to the ground
?How do satellites stay in orbit and not fall to the ground  1---1240
When a satellite is launched, it is given a high horizontal speed (parallel to the Earth's surface). This horizontal speed is what allows it to remain in orbit and depends on its altitude. The higher the orbit, the lower the required speed. Of course, gravity constantly pulls the satellite towards the Earth, but instead of falling on its surface, its speed continues to move it, and this rapid horizontal movement means that while it falls towards the Earth due to gravity, the surface of the planet curves away from it at the same speed.
It should be noted that satellite orbits can be circular or elliptical. In a circular orbit, its speed is constant and it remains at a constant altitude, while in an elliptical orbit, the altitude and speed change, but the balance between gravity and speed is still what keeps it in orbit.
There are small thrusters (correction engines) to make precise adjustments to the satellite's orbit. These adjustments are necessary to counteract influences such as atmospheric resistance in low orbits and gravity from other bodies such as the Moon.

Source: websites