The meaning of the word Gilgamesh
The meaning of the word Gilgamesh  1-988
The word guligêgamêş means buffalo calf (it is purely Kurdish) and is composed of two syllables: gulig or gulik, which means calf in the Kurdish language, and gamêş, which means buffalo.
The repeated letter g was guliggamêş. Guligamêş.
In the latest history book entitled The Beginning of Everything
The dawn of everything
By David Graeber, the British anthropologist
And David Wengrow, the American archaeologist
Page 327
They confirm, through recent historical discoveries, that the Semitic peoples, such as the Arabs and other Semitic peoples, have no connection to the Sumerian civilization.
But it has a connection with the royal imperial civilization of Mesopotamia.
In this regard, Dr. Muayyad Abdel-Sattar also said in the German city of Hamburg about ancient Iraqi literature ((Note that the phrase ancient Iraqi literature was used by Dr. Muayyad Abdel-Sattar)) and the naming of Gilgamesh in 2002 explained in a comment on the name that the naming of Gilgamesh means buffalo bull. .
This analogy and naming fit with the nature of cultural, religious and mythological life in ancient Iraq in the Sumerian era for considerations related to the status of the bull in their religion, being a symbol of strength, goodness and sacrifice. Among the requirements of the Sumerian religion and its rituals is the sacrifice of the bull on many occasions throughout the year, something that is still inherited among the Yazidis. In Iraq, there is a special ritual for sacrificing a bull (calf), and it is considered one of the most important and prominent Yazidi holidays in Lalish, their main temple.
In the picture of one of the Sumerian tablets, we find the circle representing the sun, and (the so-called Assyrians) took it as a symbol of their flag!
?Here we ask: Do the Assyrians have cults related to the sun
?Or did they take it from the Sumerian civilization and attribute it to themselves falsely and slanderously
As we mentioned above, the peoples that were called Semitic peoples have no relationship to the Sumerian civilization through historical discoveries.

Source: websites